36. Neighbor Fight

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Scene 1

Asya was deeply engrossed in her work, weaving a carpet with intricate patterns and vibrant colors. Cyril, lies sprawled on the floor beside her, occasionally lifting his head to watch Charlie playing outside through the open window.

Suddenly, the tranquility is shattered by the sound of the front door banging open and Charlie's distressed cries. Asya looks up sharply, her hands stilling on the loom as she sees her son stumbling in, tears streaking down his dirt-smudged face. His shirt is torn and dirty, his knee is bleeding, and a darkening bruise is forming under his eye.

Asya rushes to him immediately, her expression turning from shock to concern. Cyril, sensing the tension, stands and follows closely behind, his protective instincts kicking in.

Asya: Charlie! What happened to you, sweetheart?

Charlie, sobbing, struggles to catch his breath, the words tumbling out between cries.

Charlie: Billy... he hit me. He pushed me down and... and he ripped my shirt!

Asya gently guides Charlie to sit on a chair, kneeling in front of him so she can examine his injuries more closely. She softly wipes away his tears, her voice calm and soothing, though her eyes flash with anger at the thought of someone hurting her child.

Asya: Billy? That chubby boy from the end of the street?

Charlie, despite his tears, nods vigorously, his young face scrunching up with the effort to control his sobs.

Charlie: Yes, him... He said I was too small to play there... and then, and then he pushed me.

She reaches out, pulling Charlie into a comforting embrace, her actions gentle, offering solace in her presence alone.

Asya (softly): Oh, my little man, I'm so sorry he hurt you.

Charlies lip is trembling.

Charlie: He's bigger... and he said I was in his way. I wasn't, Mama. I was just playing.

Asya nods, her mind already working through how to handle the situation. She's not just any mother; she's a Shelby, and protecting her own is her utmost priority.

She stands up, fetching a clean cloth and some water to clean Charlie's knee, all the while keeping her tone light and reassuring, trying to distract him from the pain.

Asya: Don't you worry about Billy. I'll have a word with his parents. Nobody messes with a Shelby and gets away with it. You know, your dad used to come home with more scrapes and bruises than you could imagine. You're brave just like him.

Charlie (sniffling): Will you tell Cyril to scare Billy?

Asya chuckles softly, glancing at Cyril, who seems to understand he's being talked about and lets out a soft woof in agreement.

Asya: Cyril will make sure to give Billy his scariest look if he comes near you again. But for now, let's focus on getting you cleaned up and maybe we can sneak in a little treat before dinner. How does that sound?

Charlie, finally smiling through his tears, nods eagerly.

Scene 2

Once she's certain Charlie is safe and Cyril is by his side, she takes a deep breath, steeling herself for the confrontation ahead. The walk to Billy's house is short, but it gives Asya enough time to cycle through a whirlwind of emotions—from anger to concern, from protectiveness to a determined resolve.

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