22. Unexpected Turns

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2 weeks later...

Scene 1

Polly arrived at the farm to talk to Asya. She stood at the door and hesitantly knocked. Asya opened the door, her expression clearly revealing her displeasure as she saw Polly standing there.

Asya: (rolling her eyes) I think I was clear enough when I said I want a Shelby break.

Asya stated firmly, her arms crossed.

Polly, undeterred, looked at Asya with pleading eyes.

Polly: Please, Asya, I just want to talkt o you. I beg you. It's about Thomas. He's drowning in grief, and I fear he's making mistakes that could jeopardize everything.

Asya sighed, reluctantly gesturing for Polly to come inside.

Asya: Fine, come in. But this better be quick.

She warned, closing the door behind them.

Scene 2

Polly took a seat, glancing around the room. Asya served coffee to her. Polly took a cautious sip, trying to ease into the conversation.

Polly: I understand you're not thrilled with the Shelby name, but you're tied to it now. Thomas is a stubborn man, but he's hurting. He needs someone to help him heal, and that someone could be you.

 He needs someone to help him heal, and that someone could be you

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Asya: (annoyed) He barely acknowledges my presence, Polly. I take care of his child, his house, and what do I get in return? Coldness and distance.

Polly leaned forward, her tone more serious.

Polly: Thomas is a complicated man, but he's capable of change.

Asya: I didn't sign up for this. I agreed to this marriage for the sake of peace, not to become a pawn in Thomas's emotional turmoil.

 I agreed to this marriage for the sake of peace, not to become a pawn in Thomas's emotional turmoil

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Polly sighed, reaching out to touch Asya's hand.

Polly: I know it's a lot to take in, but if you truly care for him, you might be the one who can break through that tough exterior. Thomas needs a reason to open up again.

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