42. Solace

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Scene 1

Asya and Thomas arrive at the stables early one misty morning.

As they approach the wooden structure, she dashes ahead of Thomas.

Asya: (calling over her shoulder, laughing) Come on, Thomas! She won't wait all day!

Thomas, hands in pockets, follows at a more measured pace, a small, amused smile playing on his lips as he watches his wife revert to a childlike excitement.

Inside the stable, Athena, the beautiful mare, is in a spacious stall, her sides heaving gently with the weight of her unborn foal. As Asya reaches her, she bursts into coos and tender words, stroking the mare's neck.

Asya: (softly, to Athena) How's my beautiful girl today? Not long now, my darling. Not long till we meet your little one.

Athena nuzzles Asya's hand gently, clearly comforted by her presence

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Athena nuzzles Asya's hand gently, clearly comforted by her presence.

Thomas leans against the stable door, observing this tender interaction. The sight of Asya so animated and filled with life brings a deeper smile to his usually stoic face.

Thomas: (calling out gently) She's looking well, Asya.

Asya: (turning to him with a bright smile) She's strong, like her owner. Aren't you, Athena?

Thomas walks over, his approach causing Athena to look up. He reaches out a hand and pats her gently.

Thomas: And how's Apollo? Ready to be a father, is he?

Asya: (giggling) Oh, he's as arrogant as ever. Thinks he's the king of the stables. It must be a Shelby thing.

Thomas chuckles.

Thomas: Perhaps it runs in the blood, both the human and the equine.

Their conversation is interrupted by the arrival of Uncle Charlie.

Uncle Charlie: Morning, you two. Athena's doing well. We had the vet over yesterday, said the foal is strong. Should be any day now.

Asya: (clapping her hands delightedly) Oh, that's wonderful news, Charlie!

Thomas: (nodding, businesslike) Make sure everything is ready. We don't want any complications.

Uncle Charlie: (reassuringly) Everything's prepared, Tommy. We've done this before, haven't we?

Asya: (to Athena) You're going to be a wonderful mother. And I'll be here for you, every step of the way.

As they spend more time at the stable, Thomas's gaze often drifts back to Asya.

Thomas: (musing aloud to Charlie, still watching Asya) You know, she brings something out in me that I didn't know was there. Hope, maybe.

Uncle Charlie: (smiling wisely) That's what good women do, Tommy. They show us the light in life.

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⏰ Last updated: May 26 ⏰

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