33. The Event

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Scene 1

3 days later...

Tonight, there's an event of significance, one that demands the elegance and poise that the Shelbys carry so well.

Asya, dressed impeccably for the occasion, stands before the full-length mirror in their bedroom. But it's not just any accessory that completes her ensemble, it's the necklace, now resting against her chest. She looks at it, her eyes alight with joy.There's a childlike wonder in her gaze.

Thomas enters the room, adjusting his tie, his attention momentarily on the task at hand

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Thomas enters the room, adjusting his tie, his attention momentarily on the task at hand. His eyes catch sight of Asya, so visibly elated by the necklace, a warm smile spreads across his face. The sight of her happiness, so vivid and genuine, is a sight to behold.

 The sight of her happiness, so vivid and genuine, is a sight to behold

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Thomas: You look absolutely stunning. But it's not just the dress or the necklace. It's you, how alive you look wearing it.

Asya turns from the mirror, her smile broadening at his words.

Asya: Do you really think so? I still can't believe it's mine.

Thomas steps closer, his hands finding her waist as he looks into her eyes through their reflection in the mirror.

Thomas: It suits you.

Thomas: It suits you

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