Anything for you - 2

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I'm so sorry, i'm in the us so i totally forgot to update! 

Louis looks longingly at Harry, all these emotions he has pent up trying to escape, he hasn't had a drink in almost three days, and he has so many urges it is bothering him, but he said he would try for the UK leg of the tour, wanting to be sober as much as possible. 

Harry has the same kind of thoughts, even if he isn't staring at Louis he keeps thinking of him, worrying about him, he wants Louis to like the life they are living, but how can he if he is itching for a drink all the time?

They reached their destination pretty fast, it only being a few minutes away, and the only hard part was finding a parking spot, they're in the middle of the city, so not many parking spots. 

Harry rushes out and opens the door for Louis, giving him a slight smile as he does, Louis blushes a bit, he finds it adorable how sweet Harry can be. Loving all the affection, he hopes there is more to come, even after he asks Harry.

"Thank you Hazza." He says with a grateful smile and pink cheeks.

"Anything for you Lou." And Louis hopes he means that.

He wants this night to go perfectly, so when he is giving the drinks menu he swiftly gives it to Harry, not sure he can trust himself not to buy alcohol. Harry gets it and orders them a small soda each, and gives the waitress the menu back, already knowing what pizzas they want. 

"One cheese and one with mushrooms, thank you, also could we please have garlic on the cheese pizza?"Harry smiles and is confused when the waitress looks bewildered at them, they are both hoping she didn't realise who they are, they don't want this place to storm with fans. But she looks at them, walks away and with a quiet voice says "As you wish...Ew, garlic." Which makes them both burst out in laughter, they were so worried for nothing, and of course, she is going to judge Louis and his garlic, Harry does sometimes too. 

But Louis loves his garlic cheese pizza too much to care about others' opinions. Even though his breath does smell absolutely awful afterwards, he would never get anything garlic on a date for example, but when with Harry he knows it won't matter, Harry has seen him in a much more vulnerable state than just with bad breath, and he hopes he's going to stay when he gets even more vulnerable with him. He just wants to be taken care of, is that too much to ask? 

He contemplates if he should just blurt out his thoughts now and hope it doesn't go bad, or wait till he has collected his thoughts, he practised this whole ordeal in his head so many times, but now that he is actually doing it he feels small and inconvenient. 

"Hazza..." He starts, meeting Harry's eyes, they are beautiful, he could gaze into them much longer than stars, they have so much colour and feeling.

"Yeah, Lou? What's up?" He says taking Louis' hand, smiling gently, hoping to somehow calm his nerves a bit, even though he probably can't do much without saying what's on his mind, but he tries. 

"I was looking online a few days ago, and you know how I am with the drinking and drugs, and I think I need to stop, and uh... and..." Louis starts mumbling when he gets to the end, too nervous to say the things, he wishes Harry could just read his mind. Why does this have to be so difficult? 

"Lou... You know you can talk to me about everything, don't hesitate ever! Just let it all out, and yes, you have to stop soon, I can't handle seeing you in this much pain and emotional distress, do you need help with stopping?" Harry hopes Louis can hear the genuine tone in his voice, not wanting to be too harsh to him, Louis has never said openly that he wanted to stop drinking, which is a huge step for him, and Harry adores that. 

All he ever wanted for Louis is to find some ways to be himself but without the help of drugs and alcohol, he needs to be sober and himself, which can be a struggle for him. But Harry just wants to see him happy and himself as a whole. 

"I practised this like a million times but I can't even remember what I was going to say now that I'm here and supposed to be saying this, but I have been trying to find some coping mechanisms to help me ease out of this addiction, but I'm not sure I can do it on my own... So would you.. would you..." He stops to take in a breath, steadying his heartbeat, he needs to just let it out, it can't hurt him. He hopes.

"You know, help me?" He blurts out fast, being too vague, but it will have to do for now. 

"With what Lou? I will do anything in my power to help you stop because it is hurting more than yourself. But I need you to be more specific, hun. You need to tell me your thoughts, remember I can't read your thoughts." He says after gently taking his hand, he knows Louis needs comfort right now, he needs all the help he can get from the man. 

"so, uh, I've been reading about a thing called 'age regression' and I've heard that it can help a lot for people who are anxious or have addictions, and I was wondering if I could try it... with your help?" Louis' voice shaking at the end, but he got it out, it was now or never he thought. 

Louis was shyly looking up at Harry, looking for any signs that he was going to hate him now, but he only saw a fond smile. Which confused him, did Harry already know about this? Would he try to be a part of it? So many thoughts ran through his head, that he could barely phantom what came out of Harry's mouth when he spoke. 

"Of course Lou, I know a bit about it myself, if anything I can do will help you feel better I will try it with you! You know I would do anything for my little boobear." 

He was going to say more, but the waitress came over with their pizzas, making them both blush, they were having such a personal conversation in such a public place, but it didn't look like she cared, just placed the pizzas and left with a small "have a nice meal." 

They both looked up at each other's eyes, Louis was happy he finally got it off his chest, and Harry was happy Louis found the courage to talk openly about his struggles and methods. 

"Oh god, I can smell the garlic way too much, why do you always order that!?" Harry said with a low chuckle, he knew not to tease him too much about it, but it surely was stinking of garlic.

"Oh shush, you know you want a bite anyways," Louis said, the mood lightening much more now that he had spoken out about his troubles. He felt like this could work, which made him feel even fonder for Harry. So glad that he was taking it so chill, and that he wanted to be a part of it, it made him smile with a mouth full of pizza. 

The second chapter is doneee!! I hope y'all like it, he finally said it! now let's see how it unfolds with their relationship and the other boys in the next chapter! 

Comment, vote, and all that jazz if you want to! Love to hear your feedback! I have a trip to the States this week so I will probably skip that week, but after that, it is weekly updates! (i hope)

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