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Break. Finally, after so many months, we got a break. Oh how I yearned for this day to arrive! It's the first day of my break from my University in London, and I am on a roadtrip with my three best friends: Sarah, Ashley and Alison. Everyone goes to America for road trips, but we wanted to do something different. That's how we ended up in this trip around the UK and Ireland.

We had been planning this for a while now and were super excited about it. We were supposed to start today and our first destination was London itself. We were going to do Wales, Birmingham, Manchester, passing through Doncaster, going around Liverpool, Bradford, following it up with Glasgow and then Belfast. After that, we fly down to Dublin, going around all the places there, followed by Mullingar and Westmeath just to get that beautiful small town feeling, then Longford and we get back in London again.

These lazy arses, unlike me, wanted to stay in for the afternoon and then visit the London Eye at night. I, being the explorer I am, set out to roam about in London, passing shops and streets and taking in the beauty of this beautiful place. We never had time during classes to move about here and there, so I was in no mood to waste this opportunity.

I also had somehow managed to get tickets for the football match between Chelsea and Manchester United and that was exactly where I was headed at the moment. I wasn't a massive football fanatic, but I loved watching a good game from time to time.

The stadium was jam packed, people flooding in from everywhere. I sat down on my seat, waiting for the match to begin. Soon enough, when everything was settled, the teams came out, causing a loud roar from the crowd, the countdown happened and the match began. It was an intense match. All eyes were glued on the field. None of the players were leaving anything to chance.

There were near misses, causing 'ooh's to erupt from the crowd, cheers when a goal was scored, the typical match adrenaline that you feel when you watch it live. I loved it.

Then one of the Man-U players pushed a Chelsea player, making him fall on the ground. That was supposed to be a red card, clearly, but the referee dismissed it. Its like he didn't notice it at all! That was completely outrageous!

Instantly I sprang up from my seat and shouted an outraged "What the actual fuck!" But what was weird was that it felt like two people were saying it. Slightly shocked, I turned to my right to see a boy, probably my age, looking at me with the same expression, his blue eyes slightly wide. He was cute looked really familiar.

We stared at each other for a good minute. I found myself turning a deep shade of red due to embarrassment, his face was flushed as well. And the next thing I knew, we both burst into awkward giggling. I mumbled a quiet sorry to the people who were staring at us since we shouted so loud and sunk back into my seat again.

I turned to look at the blue eyed boy again, who was looking at me with a slightly amused expression, and then we both started laughing again.

"I'm Niall." He introduced himself in between laughing.

"Leah." I managed to say.

And this is where it all began.


Hi guys! I've had this idea for a while now. I actually had a dream about it haha. So I decided to make it a story!

I know the prologue is short but I cant give a way anything more haha. I'm really excited for this one. Its alternative universe again so no One Direction exists.

I hope you all will like it. I've put a lot of effort on this one. So please vote and comment!

And a big thanks to prernapunjabi thanks for your help, love

Have a good day/night


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