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Me, Liam and Harry had come down to the club since a friend of ours invited us. And now I came across Leah again, and this is the fifth time now. I honestly don't know what's going on. Is it fate? Are we destined to bump into each other all the time? Or are all these mere coincidences and I'm overthinking all this a bit? Anyhow, I'm not complaining. I love to be around Leah so I'm just going to go with the flow.

Right now, I held a passed out Leah in my arms. Whatever the case might be, she looked extremely beautiful tonight. She had leaned in to kiss me, and I was frozen on my spot, unable to move. As much as I wanted to believe that she was sober at that moment, she was drunk. Too drunk. She didn't know what she was doing. And there are hundred percent chances she would've regretted it later.

And I wasn't a person who would take advantage of drunk women. She had complemented me as well, saying I looked hot. And drunk or not, I couldn't help the smile on my face. I had had too many drinks tonight, but thanks to my Irish heritage, I have a high alcohol tolerance, and I was grateful for that.

I frantically scanned through the crowds from my spot, trying to find Alison or Sarah or Ashley, holding Leah in a more comfortable position to prevent her from falling. My arm was securely around her waist as I held her close to me.

And then I spotted Harry at the bar with Sarah. Of course. I fished out my phone and dialled his number. I saw him look at his phone and he immediately started searching for me. I waved my free hand, motioning him to come and bring Sarah along.

"We need to get her back to the dorms." Sarah said, loud enough for me to hear.

"I know, I'll carry her there, but I need your dorm keys." I explained.

Sarah nodded and gave me the keys. Harry handed me the car keys and helped me hold her bridal style. They accompanied me up to the car, helping me secure Leah on the passenger seat.

"Niall, thank you for doing this." Sarah gave me a small smile.

"It's no problem, Sarah. I'll take care of her from here." I returned her smile.

"Oh, and the Advil is kept on Leah's bedside drawer. Just thought I'd tell you." She informed.

"Niall, mate, you good to drive?" Harry asked me, concerned.

"I'm okay, Haz. I can drive her." I assured him.

"Be careful." Sarah said, Harry nodding in agreement. I thanked her and Harry and sat in my seat. They both went back in. I tucked a few strands of Leah's hair back, just staring at her and taking in her beauty for a minute or two.

The drive to the Uni was short. Once I had parked the car, I got out, carefully placing Leah on my arms, bridal style. She immediately am tightened her grip and snuggled into me, a small smile on her face. I walked up to her dorm, careful to prevent her from hitting anything. I somehow managed to open the door.

I walked inside, laying her on the bed, removing her heels and pulling the duvet over her body. She immediately snuggled into it comfortably. I searched in her beside drawer and just like Sarah said, I found Advil there.

I went to get her a glass of water and set it there on her bedside table. I found a pen and a paper and scribbled a little note for her to see tomorrow. For a moment I just stood there, looking at her sleep soundly, like there was nothing to worry about in this world.

She looked at peace, beautiful as always. I went up to her and placed a small kiss on her forehead.

"You looked beautiful tonight, Leah. I wish you'd kiss me someday, sober. I'll wait till then. Sweet dreams, love." I whispered in her ear, before moving out of her dorm, quietly closing the door as I went.

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