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We reached Mullingar by afternoon. We checked into our room and just relaxed for a while. I really wanted to explore Mullingar, since it was a small town and I love the small town vibes you get when you move around these places. The people are very nice and kind, always ready to help. And there is a lot of greenery and freshness in these kind of places. Its my favourite kind.

We had had a tiring journey, so Sarah had hit the bed straight after we entered our room and I knew she won't wake up until we go out for dinner. Alison had wanted to take a hot shower and then go to sleep like Sarah. Ashley wanted to go out to some spa she'd heard about so I was going to drop her there and explore this town by myself.

I grabbed my headphones and my mobile and both of us made our way to the spa Ash wanted to go to. After Ashley assured me that she'd get back on her own, she entered the spa, leaving me to explore Mullingar.

I roamed around the place, wrapping my jacket tighter around me, since it was a bit chilly. My headphones on, blaring Ed Sheeran in my ears, calming me to no end. I walked on the sidewalks, just randomly taking any street I see. I stopped by at some shops, bought some souvenirs, I even went to a fantastic pastry shop.

The people here were so helpful and kind, always smiling and so full of life. Its like they radiated happiness. I've always loved the Irish, since they literally live life to the fullest. They regret nothing in life and just live in the moment. They are so carefree and lovely, it reminded me of Niall a lot.

It was evening now and I had found my way to a park. It was beautiful and had lots of trees around, a perfect picnic spot. I decided to take a walk here. As I walked around the park, I spotted a cute little kid playing on the grass. He had blond hair and was probably two or three years old. He was really adorable.

I, unable to resist myself, went up to the kid. As soon as he saw me, he gave me a toothy grin. I absolutely love this boy already! I crouched down to his level and ruffled his hair. He had beautiful blue eyes.

"Hello!" I smiled at him.

He laughed and stretched his hand out to me. He was so cute!

"What's your name?" I asked him.

"Tee-o." He giggle, covering his face with his little hands. I found that really adorable.

"Theo, is it? Where's your mummy?" I chuckled.

He pointed out to a bench a few feet away, where a woman, who I assumed to be his mother, was sitting. She looked at me and smiled. She had been watching us the whole time.

I picked Theo up, cuddling with him and kissed his cheeks, making him giggle and make cute noises, and led him to his mother.

"Hello! You have a very adorable son." I smiled when I reached up to her. Theo shouted 'mama' and reached out to her and I set him in her arms.

"Thank you very much. He seems to like you a lot, though." She commented, making me smile.

"What's your name? I haven't seen you around here before." She asked me.

"I'm Leah. And I'm from London, actually. I'm here on a roadtrip with my friends." I explained.

"Oh, I hope you're having fun. I'm Denise." She introduced herself.

Theo then stretched his arms out to me. Denise handed him to me and urged me to play with him for a bit. I chuckled and scooped Theo up in my arms, brushing our noses as he giggled.

I was so engrossed in playing with Theo that I didn't realize someone else had joined Denise at the bench. But when I heard a shocked, "Leah? Is that you?", it literally almost choked the life out of me.

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