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Today was the day when Louis was coming down to meet me, and me being excited didn't exactly cover what I was feeling at the moment. I had told the girls about this and Sarah was specially excited since Fizzy was coming over and she hit it off with her really well.

"When will they be arriving?" Alison asked me as she tied her hair into a ponytail.

"Should be here in a few minutes. Louis knows where our Uni is. We need to be at the Uni gates now." I informed her before walking out of the dorm, followed by the rest of my best friends.

Niall had promised to be there with me to receive them and I was really glad he obliged to meet Louis. Lou can be really sassy and you wouldn't want to get to the wrong side of him. But he also is a very sweet person and a guy with a really kind heart. Besides, he has promised me he won't flip shit so I think its going to be okay.

We were just roaming around the corridors when I bumped into Niall.

"Leah! I was just coming to your dorm." He smiled at me, giving me a tight hug.

"Hi Niall!" Ashley waved at him before I got the chance to even say something.

"Hello Ashley! Oh and Sarah and Alison as well." He smiled, giving them all a hug, before joining me again.

We walked along to the gates when Louis texted me that they'll be here in five minutes. My heart was beating fast since I get to see Louis again, but I was also scared of what he might say to Niall. It wasn't like Niall and I were dating or anything, although I wish we would, but we'll get there. It was just that nervousness.

And Niall was slightly nervous as well, it was showing. He doesn't know what to expect from Louis and I get why he was so scared.

"It'll be fine, Niall. Louis is a nice guy." I whispered to him for the nth time.

"I know, Leah. I can't help it though." He shrugged at me.

"Niall you'll be fine. Just stay calm and be yourself." Alison stated. He smiled a small smile at her before looking his eyes got fixated on the road again.

"They're here! Tell me that's Louis' car!" Sarah squealed and started waving at the car.

Then out popped Lottie's head, waving and smiling at us and we knew they were here. Niall would've flipped right there if I hadn't held his hand so tight.

Louis stopped the car where we were standing and they three hopped out, all smiling big. Louis immediately wrapping me in one of his ever so warm hugs. They didn't compare to Niall's hugs though. His are always the best kind.

Louis then proceeded to hug the other girls while I hugged his sisters.

"Louis, this is Niall. Niall, Louis." I introduced them to each other, slightly nervous about the outcome.

"Oh so you are the Niall Leah always talks about! Nice to meet you!" Louis smiled, making me blush deep red. The girls, including Louis' sisters giggled, making me glare at them. He then shook hands with Niall, who gave him a small smile and thankfully Louis returned it.

I had to double check with myself that what was happening in front of my eyes was actually real. Louis was actually being nice to Niall! I thought he would've been really distant with Niall, but I think my threat worked.

"He's hot. Good job, Leah." Lottie whispered in my ear, making me glare at her, but there was a smile on my face and my cheeks were red.

"Yeah, he's really amazing looking." Fizzy said from beside me, making me blush harder.

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