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I woke up earlier than I would usually do, the next day. And why wouldn't I? We were supposed to leave for Doncaster today and I was excited was an understatement.

I stifled and yawn as I trudged over to the guest bathroom to freshen up. We were supposed to leave about two hours later. If all goes planned then we should be at Louis' by noon.

After about half an hour, when I was all set for today, I decided to go help Harry's mum with her breakfast. It was the least I could do to thank her for letting us stay. I made my way downstairs to find her preparing for breakfast.

"Good morning! Can I help with anything?" I asked as I stood at the entrance.

"Good morning, Leah. And you're my guest, dear, I can't let you help me." She smiled at me kindly.

"Let me help, please? Its the least I can do to thank you for taking care of us for a day." I insisted.

"That was nothing, sweetheart. It is my pleasure to have y'all here. But if you insist, you can help with the pancakes." She said and I set to work.

Within an hour, everyone in the house was up and ready for the day.

"Smells good, mum." Harry smiled as he entered the kitchen. "Oh and good morning Leah." He added, causing me to laugh.

"Please call the girls down, Haz. Its time for breakfast. They'll be leaving soon." Anne told Harry, who immediately did as he was told. Soon enough, Harry returned with my best friends and Gemma, his hands linked with Sarah's, causing me to smile.

After an amazing breakfast, we were ready to leave. I texted Louis that we're about to leave Harry's and he replied with an excited 'I can't wait.' After some time, Harry's mum and Gemma were hugging us goodbye, advising us to have a good journey.

Harry too hugged us and kissed Sarah goodbye, telling her that he'll see her real soon. We all thanked the Styles family for having us and they smiled at us saying that the pleasure was all theirs.

We bid them goodbye one last time before setting off for Doncaster. Alison insisted she drives even though it was my turn because I was practically jumping on my seat. I was excited to that level.

"Leah, we get it you're excited and we are too. But can you please stop being a monkey and sit still for a bit?" Ashley whined as she gave me a horrified look beside me. I answered with a flat no. I literally couldn't contain my happiness.

"Oh she's gonna do a Sarah until we reach Doncaster." Alison mused causing Sarah to hit her arm. Ashley and I were laughing now.

"Well, she's Leah. It could be a lot worse." Ashley reasoned and now I was hitting her arm.

After an agonizingly slow morning, we were finally in Doncaster and I couldn't wait till Ashley pulled up in Louis' driveway. I had texted him earlier when we had reached here and he said he's standing at the gate of his house, making me laugh out loud.

True to his word, Louis indeed was standing at the entrance, waiting for us to pull up and as soon as he saw us coming, he grinned really wide. I immediately hopped out of the car and ran to him, giving him a really tight hug.

"I missed you, Lou." I sighed.

"Me too, Leah, me too." He whispered back.

"You've grown taller." He commented as we broke the hug. I just shrugged. He then moved on to hug Ash, Alison and Sarah, all of them really happy to see him.

Louis was still the same old trouble maker. Very little changed. His brunet hair was slightly longer, which he styled on his forehead like fringes. His bright blue eyes held so much energy and happiness, a mischievous glint clearly visible. His wide smile which would make his eyes crinkle, everything. He was still the childish yet mature Louis, which made me really happy.

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