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This is the last chapter for this book. There will NOT be any epilogue ahead of it :)


Our finals had just ended today and I was a hundred percent sure I had done well in all of them. We had called dibs on whether Alison will top this year too or not, since she was the smart ass girl.

Me and Niall had been together for half a year now and it's been amazing so far. We've had a great time. Occasionally we would sneak off to our spot in the woods when we felt it was getting too much to handle or when either of us felt the need to go there.

We would sit there under the tree and listen to music or have a sing along. He would play the guitar and I would sing, him joining me sometimes. Our times at our spot would be the most blissful thing ever. We have so much fun over there, sometimes even playing hide and seek if we wanted to.

Alison and Nick have been going stronger than ever. The pair have been inseparable. They always went out on dates and sometimes Alison even slept over at Nick's dorm.

Ashley found a guy she likes too. A total badass, but hey, they were perfect for each other, so I'm not complaining.

Harry and Sarah were amazing. They were so in love it was extremely adorable to see. They would go on these really cute dates and be so cheesy with one another. It was awe worthy.

Louis...well he tried out for the X-Factor and he's got through to the Judges House! And I know for a fact that he's gonna make it. And he'll make it big. He still calls up to check on us. We all support him.

Liam and Sophia, although they went through their fair share of hiccups, they've been amazing. They are as tight as ever and I know it'll be going a long way.

Needless to say, we've all had a great year and can't wait to get back next year. Me and Niall love each other and being with him was absolutely magical.

It's funny how coincidence brought us together. Now was it a twist of fate to get us together, or a string of random coincidences? We don't know. But whatever it was, we're glad it did, because in the end, it all worked out.


There you go guys. This is the end of Coincidence.

First off, I'm so so so so SO sorry about the delay. I literally lost all inspiration and got super busy. I know it's not an excuse but I did come back to finish up didn't I?

I intended right from the start to keep this a short story and yes this chapter was meant to be this short.

Thank you for the tremendous amount of support you've given this book. It means a lot to me and I'm so glad to have shared this journey with you.

Thank you so much. I love each and every single one of you. ❤️

If you would like, the go and check out my newest story 'Barred'. It's a Niall fanfic again and I'm hoping you all will love It.

Again, thank you from the bottom of my heart for sticking till the very end. This chapter is dedicated to each and every single one of you. ❤️

I love you all,

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