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"Sarah, why aren't you ready yet?" I whined as I saw one of my best friends laying on her bed, listening to some song.

"Simple, because I'm not coming. I told you just about an hour ago, remember? Whatever happened to your memory." She laughed, going back to whatever she was doing.

"Yeah yeah, I forgot. Anyone else who's coming?" I asked out loud, looking at my other two best friends, earning a no from both of them.

"Oi! This is supposed to be a road trip!" I shouted, causing all three of them to just roll their eyes.

Yes these three idiots also known as Sarah, Alison and Ashley happen to be my best friends in this entire universe.

Sarah is a dark brown eyed girl with cute little specks and jet black hair. She is slightly shy but when you get to know her, she's amazing. You will always find her listening to music, like me, or you can find her face buried in a book, in her own little world. You won't want to disturb her during that time or she can get from being all sweet and cute to a deadly lion faster than you can say 'Sarah'.

Alison is the green eyed girl with brunette hair and an amazing brain. She might just be the most logical person among us four. Without her we'd be lost. If you have a problem, she's the best person to talk to.

Ashley is the typical care free girl, just like me. She lives life as it comes and totally believes in the concept of You Only Live Once. She has black hair and brown eyes. She is literally the life of any party and has an amazing music taste.

I, on the other hand, love travelling. Its like my second nature. I have hazel eyes and brunette hair. I like to think I'm carefree and I love to live life, like really live it. And I totally love my three best friends.

We all are originally British, but we grew up in Chicago. Now we are here in London for higher studies. Although we miss home, it's nice to live where we actually come from. I have taken up English, Sarah is doing sociology, while Alison and Ashley are doing law.

"So?" Ashely dragged the word.

"So? A road trip involves travelling and exploring places which you clearly aren't doing!" I exclaimed.

"Leah, for Gods sake, this is London. We live here all the time! What's there to explore? And as it is, we're going to the London Eye anyway, right?" Alison reasoned.

"Yeah, but-" I began to say bit Sarah cut me off.

"Leah, we know you love to explore, but honestly we want some rest before we officially begin, you know?" She explained.

"Yeah. You're God gifted when it comes to energy. You might be dead tired the day before, but you'll be pumped up with energy the next day. So go ahead and explore London. We're happy with the pictures you'll click." Alison smiled.

"You're lucky I love you guys. Now go get your beauty sleeps. I'll be back in the evening." I sighed as I started to walk out.

"Love you too, Leah!" I heard Alison and Sarah call.

"If you find a cute guy, then give him my number!" Ashley called out, causing me to chuckle and shake my head. Typical Ash.

And that's how I ended up in this football match, laughing my head off with this cute guy beside me, who happens to look really familiar. His name, Niall, also sounds known.

"I know." He chuckled, breaking me off my thoughts.

"I'm sorry?" I asked him.

"I said, I know you're Leah. We go to the same Uni." He repeated. He had an accent, I couldn't pinpoint which one, though.

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