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Yesterday was fun. I had gone down to my spot a few blocks down the Uni to calm myself down and listen to music for a bit. I didn't know when I lost myself into the song and started singing. I totally wasn't ready for Niall to come and complement my singing.

After that, we had an incredible time together. This was the fourth time me and Niall coincidentally met each other. I can't seem to understand why this keeps happening, though. But I'm not complaining. I love to spend time with Niall. He was really funny and sweet. And not to mention I came to know about his talent of playing guitar yesterday, which I might add was absolutely brilliant.

I remember when we both were singing Kiss Me by Ed Sheeran, how our voices had moulded so perfectly with each other. I had loved the whole jam session with him and the little time we spent on the lake together. I find myself surprisingly happy when I'm around Niall. I am yet to figure out why.

Today me and the girls were going for a much needed girls' day out. It was a weekend so we were deciding to go clubbing at night after our hangout. Ashley was totally up for it. Something about not having gotten properly laid in a while. Although I had agreed to go clubbing, I wasn't really in the mood of drinking. Sure I'd have a few but I decided today wasn't a day to get wasted.

The hangout was Alison's idea. That girl has an amazing brain and she always comes up with the right ideas at the right time. God only knows what we'd have done without her.

Sarah, who is having a wonderful relationship with Harry as of now, was totally game for it. We hadn't really hung out in a while so we were pumped up for it.

"You girls ready?" I asked them as I picked up my phone.

"Let's go," Alison beamed at me.

Once all of us were out, we headed to our favorite restaurant of all time. The only waiter, who goes by the name Max, knew us too well now that the moment he saw us enter, he immediately led us to our usual table. I was sitting with Alison on one side with Sarah and Ashley across us. He didn't even take our order since he had practically memorized it by now.

We weren't going to change anything in it anyway. We hadn't been here in a while and to say we craved the food was an understatement. We spent most of the afternoon chatting and gossiping like we always do, complete with the occasional banters and playful shoving.

Somehow the topic landed on me. Not to mention it majorly involved a certain blue eyed boy who I happen to stumble upon a lot.

"So, how's Niall?" Sarah smirked at me.

"How am I supposed to know that?" I gave her a look and that was enough for Ashley to cause one of her explosions. She doubled over, laughing her heads off, with Alison giving her a weird look as she tried to handle the situation. Me and Sarah were always too horrified to say anything when Ashley had her laughing fits. If anything, it made us laugh as well and Alison would look at us like we were from a totally different planet.

And that's exactly what happened. The look on Alison's face was so priceless that every time we looked at her, our laughter only increased. I hadn't laughed this hard in a while now, a fit felt really amazing. At some point even she gave in and let out a smile and we were all a giggling mess.

After a while we had calmed down. Ashley then excitedly whispered, "Alison! The cute guy on the left is looking at you!"

Immediately our heads whipped in that direction. And sure enough a cute guy was looking at her. Ashley was then face palming.

"Way to make it so obvious, girls." She dead panned.

And then Alison surprised us by winking at him, making him chuckle and then turn back to his group of friends.

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