My Reality

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"It's okay, it's okay Kazuto.. I'm so grateful I got to meet you and be with you. I love you, Kazuto Kirigaya... and I always will." I said softly as I tried my best not to cry through the pain.

"I love you.. with everything I have and more."

A white light enveloped my sight as my vision of Kazuto dwindled until I couldn't see him. Soon after that, I felt him disappear as if we separated. I closed my eyes as to hope to see the real world when I open them, but all I saw once I opened my eye was white.

The white wasn't blinding, I saw my hands and body like normal. The white space was almost a place between the virtual world of SAO and the real world.


"It seems we met sooner than anticipated, Shinsei." A voice spoke out.

I turned to see smoke, the gray smoke formed into a human as the clear indication of a lab coat soon became Akihiko Kayaba.

"Kayaba. What's going on?" I asked.

"I.. am not sure. The SAO system has been destroyed as to our agreement. Though it seems you were unable to log out, odd." He stated.

"So.. you're saying I'm still trapped?" I asked disappointed.

"I'm sorry, though this development is unfortunate it's out of my control." He said.

"Where are we? How can I see you? What happened to Kirito?!" I shouted.

"Please control your emotions, as I've said it's out of my control." He began. "Although, I could try to see what's happened if I scan the system... perhaps it could work. Give me one second to check some information, then I'll answer your questions."

I nod and wait as Kayaba closed his eyes and code was visibly drawn towards him.

'Kazuto.. I hope you're not still trapped.'

"Scan complete. It seems my data has been saved to your nerve gear, a copy almost. Similar to how 'Yui' as she's called is saved onto Kirito's nerve gear." He explained.

'He knew about Yui this whole time?'

"Yes. Also, 300 players have been transferred to another system... its name is ALfheim Online. You seem to have been transferred into the new system and not logged off as intended." Kayaba said.

"300 players.. how the hell did this even happen. What about Kaz-Kirito? Did he make it out?" I pestered.

"Yes, he as well as the rest of players in your friend list has been logged out... wait. No, I was mistaken." He paused.

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