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What if I made a Blue Exorcist Story?

Would you enjoy it?


ALfheim, Neutral Territory

Central Capital, Arun

     Kirito and I gazed at the city. Its bright lights illuminating the night sky, the rows and rows of buildings lining the roots of the world tree. Then the final realization of how tall the World Tree really is...

"It's amazing.." Kirito muttered.

"Yeah.. this is the biggest city in all of ALfheim. We finally made it." I said.

Yui flew out of her safe space, scanning the city as we were.

"This is so exciting! I never been to a city this big before!" She exclaimed.

"I don't think we've been to a city this big either." I say looking towards Kirito who nods.

As we're about to enter the gate, a loud gong could be heard echoing through the streets.

"Attention Players." A feminine robotic voice spoke. "The Server Will Be Down Today. January The 22nd. From 4:00 A.M. To 3:00 P.M. For Scheduled Maintenance. We Ask That All Players Please Log Out No Later Than 10 Minutes Before Shutdown. Repeat..." the voice repeated.

Kirito let out a suppressed yawn.

"Tired, huh sleepyhead." I said with a chuckle.

"N-no I'm fine. Let's just find an inn so we can log out.." Kirito paused. "Wait, what happens to you during maintenance?" He asked as we began to scour the streets for an Inn.

"Well... usually nothing. It's just really quiet when maintenance is going through that's all." I replied.

"Then, I'll be back as soon as the maintenance is finished. Okay?" Kirito spoke.

"I'll be waiting~" I teased as Yui led the way to a fairly well known inn.


Kirito's POV

The following morning was cold hey serine. Clouds rolling over the sky and blocking the sun. Looking to my right I notice the faucet and remind myself to wash my face before Suguha gets up.

Turning the faucet to the left I squatted down and began using the cold water to wash my face. Twisting the faucet to the right soon after , I tied myself off and heard the sliding door open and close.

"Hey Sugu, good morning." I said before looking over towards my sister.

"Morning.. Kazuto." She replied, rubbing her eyes.

"Someone looks sleepy today, when did you go to bed last night?" I ask, dumping the water from the basket below the faucet and standing as I did so.

"I don't know.. around 4 I think?" Suguha questioned herself.

"Woah, what were you doing up that late? Last I remember ALfheim isn't up and running until this evening." I said.

"Oh, well before the servers shutdown for maintenance I made it to Legrue after having a meeting with Sakuya and the other commanders." She says. "Afterwards I stayed up figuring out the quickest way to the World Tree so I can help you guys out as soon as I can."

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 25 ⏰

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