Hannya Yanagi

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"It's okay, it's okay Kazuto.. I'm so grateful I got to meet you and be with you. I love you, Kazuto Kirigaya... and I always will." Shinsei said softly.

"I love you.. with everything I have and more."


The blinding white light burnt for a while until it finally began to fade to black. The subtle light began to peer through my eye lids and once again I opened them, the ceiling and beeping of a hospital was all I saw.

     I raised my arm and with surprising ease after such a long time of lying motionless I saw how slim my body truly was. I grabbed my nerve gear, trying to take it off but failing once the weight was too much to handle.

'Everything hurts...'

     I force myself to sit upright and once again try to take off the nerve gear. As the nerve gear came off, my hair flew of the back.

'God.. I need a haircut.'

     My hair draped over my shoulders and back. The weight it carried was uncomfortable but irrelevant in the current moment.

'Shinsei.. I- I have to find him...'

     I force my legs to bend as I sit on the side of the mattress. I slowly move to the floor and use the surrounding iv pole for support. Realizing the pole held two pipes I scanned my body. I had a feeding tube connected to my stomach and an iv drip connected to my arm.

     Realizing I couldn't walk without ripping out the tubes I began walking with the pole itself for stability.

     I walk through the door of my room and into the hall only to see the halls empty.

'Where is everyone?'

     Just ahead was a single nurse who was filing paper work. The stack was astonishing but she seemed capable. She must have heard the scraping of metal from the pole I was clinging onto as well as my feet walk closer. The look of shock and surprise was almost funny.

     Until I realized my body was going limp I too worried. The nurse was on her way towards me and the last thing I said to her was-

"Shinsei.. W-where is Shinsei Yanagi?" I collapsed.


"Kiri? Kiri, it's time to go!" Shinsei exclaimed.

     I groaned and turned around in the bed, pulling the covers over myself completely before responding.

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