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Sylvain, Sylph Territory

January 21, 2025

     I waited, alone at a table. Yui was gone once Kirito logged off, but I knew Siune was logged on as well.

'She must be with Leafa, I remember them talking about some meeting taking place today.'

"Sorry to keep you waiting." Kirito said, walking closer and taking a seat in front of me.

"Don't be, I'm glad you got some rest." I replied with a smile.

     Kirito placing his hand over my own. We didn't speak as we sat there in silence, admiring the other's features even though we both have changed.

"Shin?" Kirito began.

"Hmm? What's up?" I responded.

"I know this isn't the best time.. but I met your mom earlier today." Kirito admitted.

"My mom? Oh.. you mean at the hospital. H-how is she?" I asked.

"She's okay, I didn't tell her about your situation. Not yet, I wanted to talk to you first before I told her." Kirito said.

     I let out a deep sigh, forgetting that my mom was still looking over me at the hospital. Not to mention forgetting that Kazuto can see my mom and has already met me in person.

"Next time you see her, tell her everything. My mom has plenty of contacts and could resolve this in due time, if I don't find a way myself." I reply.

"Got it. Oh and one more thing you should know." Kirito said in a worried tone.

     I paused and looked at Kirito.

"She kinda knows about our past.. like everything, about.. us." He said.

"Wha-" I was cut off.

"But! She is completely okay and accepts us. Don't worry I left a good impression." Kirito said confidently.

     I began to laugh at his expression. I knew my mom would accept my choice, it's nice knowing how much effort Kirito put in.

"Good, I'm glad you have her approval. Now all I need to do is meet your family." I replied with a grin.

"What about family?" Leafa cuts in.

"Oh nothing, just talking about my mother is all." I said and Leafa nodded.

"Kaz- Kirito. We should make our way towards the world tree, to look for Asuna." Leafa reminded.

"Asuna? She's here?" I asked.

"Agil was the one who told me about you and there were some photos of Asuna in a cage. She's somewhere above the World Tree and it's not gonna be easy getting through." Kirito said.

"I don't think I've been anywhere near the world tree, farthest I've been being the Legrue Corridor." I said, remembering my first time venturing through the cave.

     At this point Yui rose from Kiritos pocket and yawned with a stretch.

"Morning Yui~" I said as Yui rubbed her eyes.

"Morning Mommy... morning dadda." She said softly.

"Hey Yui, do you know how long it would take to get to the World Tree from here?" Kirito asked.

"Hmm from here to the World Tree would take around 8 hours including breaks. I advise going through the Legrue Corridor for the quickest route." Yui stated as she flew around the table.

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