Battle Charlie - The Reapers

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It's been a few days since my chat with Fido, and we had one fight between then and now, the one where we'd originally fight Kaie if she perished that day. But nothing came of it really aside the very loud black sheep response, which we explained later, just lacking the response from Kaie. My leg has finally been getting better at least, we assume I might be able to walk on my own soon as long as I don't hurt my leg more than I already have. But I guess one thing happened afterwards, we got to tell Lena our names, and I guess it made me feel a little excited. One final thing that happened in these few days, I got a drawing done by Theo, he who managed to find something about a titan by going through Shin's books. In a sense, it was a test unit done by the Gaidian Empire, the same place where the Legion were created in. So, I had the head of the unit drawn on my unit, and it looked pretty good. 

We were making a trip out to a remote battlefield, a forest where the legion were moving to, I shook my head, static coming in my ears. "Damn it, my pararaid is acting up, I hear static." This seemed to confuse everyone, Shin would say, "Static doesn't come from the pararaid, is it not a system in your juggernaut?" I replied, "No, it sounds like it's right in my ears." Shin would say, "Then it might just be you then." This caused a memory to resurface, just before the battle where I lost my squad, I remembered hearing static, and my commander said the exact same things Shin did. I said, "No way, it can't be." Kaie would say, "What's up Grey? You're not usually so... concerned." I responded, "I had a similar chat with my former squad leader, everything Shin just said, word for word as a matter of fact." Theo would say, without skipping a beat, "Woah, creepy. Has this happened any other times?" I began to think, but I shook my head, "No, not really." Theo would say, "Then let's keep an eye out then, just to be safe. To steady the nerves of our Titan." I responded, "I'll make you eat those words Theo, and I mean literally. I'll shove a piece of paper with those words down your throat." Theo would respond, "Please don't." A few chuckles rose, and everyone shifted into regular chats. 

Once we got near the area, I remembered the battle, the one where people certainly died, I spoke, "Those that need to watch their actions today, Burnt Tail, Black Dog." This caused a gasp, why did I mention that must have been running through everyone's heads. Shin would say, "Titan, explain yourself." I would respond, "Burnt Tail, death by suicide, unit is wreaked after being caught in an attack by a Lowe. Black Dog, death by Shin, went to save Burnt Tail but got caught in an attack, then attacked by suicide bomb units. He ends up surviving with serious injuries, shot in the head to ensure they don't become a Legion." This silenced everyone, I would say, "Cronus called me a Datenshi, in short, it means fallen angel. It was a rip on the fact they tried to get me to be called angel, because I somehow had hunches upon who risked death that day."

Silence still permeated, so I decided to speak, "The end of the line, that one mission, you know what it means. Kaie was meant to die that day, the day I was still at base acting like a second handler, I think everyone has been thinking that. But I'll say this now, everyone here, everyone present, I will ensure all of you make it to the end of the line. All I need is for everyone to trust me." Shin broke the silence, "I trust you." Kaie would speak next, "As do I." Theo would say, "Oh what the hell, I do to." Everyone began to speak up, I managed to save a few who's names I haven't memorized yet during the battle before this one, so I guess I managed to win their trust. I smiled, "Alright then, let's do this thing then. Also, they know we're ambushing them. So expect them to be ready to wreak every hiding spot from now on." Theo would say, "Damn Titan! Giving us a tall order to work with!" Chuckles began to rise, I guess we still had it in us to laugh. I then said, "If anyone dies, I'll kill them when I get to hell!" 

The battle was raging at this point, I was barely even able to focus Burnt Tail and Black Dog, I don't really know Burnt Tail, but I know Black Dog is Daiya, and I wasn't going to let Anju lose herself to grief. I was about to plunge myself into the river area, mostly so I could get the drop on some Legion, but the static cleared, "Target located, begin the operation." I shouted, "All units! Engaging the Reapers! Requesting assistance from Undertaker, now!" I ran into the river area as Legion units came out from the other forest line. These units, I knew what they were, they were the units that killed my squad, and I never seen them in the anime or in the wiki. These things were fast, and they almost resembled the aliens from the "Alien" movies. The only difference was their tails had chainsaw like things, their legs were just legs, but they had four grabbing appendages like hands, and their face was where the cannon within was. Kaie asked, "Titan, what are Reapers?!" I responded, "A deadly legion unit that killed my former squad! I need Undertaker over here now!" 

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