Did we Really Fail?

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Grey POV

I watched as Kaie rushed to me, the Legion fired, and my vision went blank. That's what I remembered as I floated in this void. I let out a scream, the void not recognizing my own existence as not even an echo had returned back. Despite everything I did, everything everyone had done, the preparation we all put in... and we failed. I realized that, I at the bare minimum, was screwed when two of my former squadron had laid into me after I took down Cronus. I spoke to myself as I awaited my fate, "I guess Tethys was the Reaper unit, and Phoebe was a Morpho, a damn deadly combination if I say so myself. One can fire from anywhere, the other can leave the blast radius and crush the opponent as they recover from the blast. I was lucky to understand they were coming... and that was all it was." I spun in the void, it felt like there was only the period of time before I became not myself, before I became what I swore to destroy, a black sheep.

I tried to hold my own, to not burst into tears... but I couldn't. In this peaceful silence, a place where the Legion couldn't speak to me, it felt unbearable. Tears began to flow, my voice cried out in loss, I wanted to be with my friends, I wanted to see Shin again... I wanted to hold Kaie in my arms again like that night where we danced. But I knew, we were dead, I would never be able to hold her in my hands again, never speak with Shin again, never see the friends I made in these past few months again. It weighed on me, I had led them all to death, I tired to play god with their fates and it backfired on me, and now even the ones who were meant to live had died. As my voice faded, my feelings along with them, I just cried as I awaited my fate as a machine, something that was no longer human...

Until I opened my eyes, and light blinded me entirely. I put my hand over my face, as I sat up, I felt pain in my left leg yet again. When I looked down, I noticed my leg was once again in a cast, and without knowing what was going on, I shouted, "Oh come on! I just took the other cast off!" I heard hands hit a window to my left, and when I looked, I once again burst into tears, "Kaie!" I basically leapt off the bed, not even caring about the pain from my leg as I slammed myself against the window. She was trying to say something, but the window prevented us from properly speaking. I put my head to the window, Kaie did the same, we both seemed to confirm we were both ok... for the moment before pain began to erupt all across me. It wasn't all major, like my left leg, but looking at myself, I did realize I got quite injured during the last fight. Kaie quickly got alarmed and began slamming her hands against the window, her own room separated from mine. 

I began to hear something open, I looked around out of concern, noticing I managed to dislodge some kind of needle from me, which was now dripping an unknown fluid to me. I reached out and grabbed it, aiming it at the door, adrenaline rushing through me since I had no idea where I was. For all intents and purposes, this was a legion camp, and they were finally coming for my head since they learned I was Datenshi. However, to my temporary surprise, a man in a biohazard suit entered the room, I shouted, showing the needle, "Stop! Who are you!? Don't come any closer, I won't hesitate!" The man, who's face the biohazard suit blocked, spoke, "Hold on young man! I'm only here to help!" His voice sounded familiar, but familiarity in an unfamiliar place could get you killed. He began to get closer, holding his hands out, I began to step back out of fear, men in the doorway held rifles and were shouting for him to get back. 

I looked to Kaie, then to the needle, I didn't want to do it, but if it kept me safe, I was going to do it. I held the needle to my head, "Stay back! I'm not letting you get my brain!" This made Kaie slam on the window harder, she was crying, if I made it out of this, I was going to have to apologize to her. This caused the man to stop, the other men with the rifles stopped shouting and seemed to grow weary. The man sighed, then began to undo his biohazard suit, the men with rifles began to freak out as he did, saying this was the "second time" he's done this. Once the undid the suit, he took it off to reveal a man in a suit, someone I knew... somewhat. He announced himself, yet he needed no introduction for me, "My name is Ernst, how about you?" I looked to him, my mind running on overdrive for a moment before I realized something, we made it. 

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