Down Time Charlie - Grey's Oddities

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Shinei Nouzen POV

It's been a few days, I've been paying more attention to Grey since the battle with the Reapers, and he seemed to be doing regular things. But I still knew something was weird, he spent ample time alone, and Fido always seemed to join him. Whenever I approached, he always switched what he was speaking about, I could tell based on how his body language changed. So, my first inquiry would be to Fido. After a while, I managed to find Fido sitting at the side of the base, resting. I approached, Fido stood up and began to beep at me, and I said, "Yes, good to see you as well Fido." I let Fido speak, but I decided to ask the question on my mind, "Fido, what do you and Grey talk about?" Fido seemed to go silent, this seemed to tell me whatever Grey tells him, he doesn't want to speak about it. I said, "Fido, you're hiding something, aren't you?" 

Fido would shake, I knew I was pushing him, "Fido, just tell me." Fido would beep and whir, and I was confused, "You're telling me he told you in confidence, and it's not anything that we need to know?" Fido would nod rapidly, I was confused, "Will you ever tell me if I asked?" Fido would shake his head, then beep once more. I sighed, "Alright, it's not up you. I won't pry anymore." Fido would nod, and I chose to walk away. Fido was adamant on not telling me as it wasn't his place to tell. For once, Fido wasn't telling me something, and it was confusing to why he did. So, I decided to ask around, see if anyone else found something off. First was Daiya, and he felt like Grey stating he was going to die was strange, which we all understood. I went around to everyone afterwards, each stating Grey said some strange things.

When asked about his former squamates' code names, he said he learned the names from a history book, but nothing seemed to come up in regards to either. He just said the history was really out of the way for anyone without an interest in it, which didn't make sense since we had as much books the republic seemed to send our way when they got older. Questions that seemed normal had fairly strange answers, and even basic information seemed to be an odd concept to him, yet he could easily read, write, and do math... but the writing he could do had a language no one had ever seen aside from the republic's language. Once again, said it was some older language not many people knew, and seeing the proof only made me more confused. 

When I checked his room, there was nothing in there aside the bed, as if he held a lack for anything materialistic. At least, that's what I thought, there was a journal of sorts there with writing in it I couldn't read, the same as the one's he said he could write before. Knowing I wouldn't get far, I just put the journal back where it was. As I asked around more, nothing much seemed odd aside keeping himself more closed off from everyone, not willing to get too attached to anyone emotionally. But I realized he seemed to let his guard down around Kaie, a lot more than anyone else, so I decided to ask her about it. But the answer she gave me was rather... odd. She said Grey seemed normal for someone who's been through what he had, witnessing death to those he held dear, and I knew she was right. Yet I still couldn't push down the fact something was wrong with him.

That night, when everyone was asleep and I finished speaking with Lena, I was about to disconnect when someone spoke, "Uhm, Lena, do you have time to talk?" I heard a light breeze, but I knew it was Grey. Lena responded, "Yes, I just finished talking to Shin, what's wrong?" I kept quiet, I think Lena assumed I was already disconnected. Grey would say, "It's in response to a battle we're about to have, I was... reminded when I saw the crate of fireworks come in." Lena responded, almost slightly shocked, "Uhm... reminded?" Grey would respond, "I seen it some time ago, so, I need to explain something. What we're about to encounter, it could easily wipe us out. It's a long range weapon, one that will be 120 Kilometers east-northeast with an estimated speed launch of 4000 meters." This surprised me, but what he said next was even worse, "Most of Spearhead might die, because it's a trap the Legion set up."

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