Battle Alpha - Spearhead Squadron

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Lena Mirize POV

"This is handler one, that's Skorpion fire, I'm sending the suspected positions of the observers." I said to Spearhead Squadron. "Three potential positions, take them out." The team split their work, taking on who they could, however, "Huh? Where's the Skorpion fire?" The question came from Snow Witch, which soon rose more questions among the team. Checking the data, I noticed the Skorpion units had stopped firing without the loss of their observers. It was rather odd, this shouldn't have happened, but that's when I saw it briefly. Somewhere outside the radar zone, a blip appeared then disappeared, the equipment was fine, so I decided to pass a heads up. "This is handler one, a strange blip appeared on the radar before vanishing. Equipment is fine, keep alert for a potential new Legion unit." 

Confusion spread between the units, it was evident they didn't expect me to be so clear. But soon, Undertaker spoke, "Everyone, quiet for a moment." Everyone went silent, then Black Dog spoke, "Laughter?" Everyone shushed him, but I couldn't hear anything. I focused, and that's when I heard it. "Haha! Damn, I missed! This pile of scrap can't shoot for shit!" Then the laughter broke out, it sounded like the person was going insane. Remarks about "Who is that?" and "Where did they come from?" began to spread among everyone. "Get back here you Lowe! You can't run from me! Even if my legs are busted, I can still kill you!" 

"Unknown unit, this is Undertaker, what's you affiliation and unit name?" Undertaker spoke. A loud smash could be heard from one of the units, but it didn't seem to be Spearhead Squadron. "Hahaha! The voices! They're back! Come on, you know me damn it! Just tell me to start killing again! Tell me to tear these legion fucks limb from limb!" It was confusing, a Juggernaut just coming out of nowhere? Was there even any such unit that was reported missing?

Grey POV

I clicked the trigger, but I think something inside it was finally giving out, "Damn it! Work! Shoot the gun!" After a hard squeeze, the gun fired and wreaked a Lowe, the machine exploding before me. It was great, the feeling of destroying an obviously superior machine with my shitty scrap metal, it was almost always euphoric. "Again, this is Undertaker. Unknown unit, what's your affiliation and unit name?" This voice was annoying, it didn't say anything but that so far. "Damn voice, if you aren't telling me to die, then shut up." 

I fired the grappling hooks, I wanted to fuck up the observers I saw just in case I missed some Skorpions on the way in. But when they fired, the ropes finally gave way, the year of disrepair finally ended my grappling hooks. "Well damn, is this all this damn machine can do?" I moved towards the main units, I always seemed to know where these things were, the voices usually told me. When I hit a main road, I saw them turning to face me, "HAHA! Bring it on!" I drew the chipped blades and fired the main gun, taking down two Grauwolfs before all I heard were clicks, I was finally out of my looted rounds. 

"This is Undertaker, I can see the unknown unit, it's currently engaging the Legion. Watch your fire, it's covered in legion parts, it looks similar to a legion unit in color." I let out an annoyed moan, "Coooome oooooon! This voice sucks! It's so uptight!" Suddenly, I heard something connect, and a female voice spoke, "This is handler one, unknown unit, identify yourself." I was somewhat surprised, I haven't heard a female voice in a while, "Oh ho! A female voice! Haven't heard one of those in a while! So, you gonna tell me to kill!? To fight!? To slaughter these worthless scraps of shit!?" The voice let out a surprised "eep!", then said, "This is handler one, I'm not a voice, I'm a handler from the San Mongolia military. I'll repeat again, unknown unit, identify yourself." 

I would be surprised, "San Mongolia? Hah! I'm surprised you all haven't fallen yet! Using up processors like you are! Your little "Two Year" plan will fail!" I let out a howl of laugher as my blades failed to cut the final Grauwolf, the blades finally done with my shit. "Is this the end?" It was surprisingly clear for that moment, the red eye of a legion unit glaring me down. But before I could do anything, the unit exploded, and I was thrown back into a wall. I tried to move my unit, but the legs finally gave out too. "Damn it! Come on! You lasted for a year! You can do another!" 

Looking through the flickering monitor, the Eintagsfliege were beginning to flee. "Damn it! You legion fucks! Don't you dare run from me!" I opened the cockpit and took my handgun with me. I looked towards a Ameise, it was running away, I lifted my handgun and began to shoot at it, "Don't you dare run from me! Get back here!" When I fired my fifth round, the gun broke into pieces, part of it smacked my eye, my bad eye which I had bandage covering it, but I felt it start to get a sickly wet, warm as hell. I put my left hand to my left eye, "Damn it, fucking eye is bleeding again, I thought it finally stopped yesterday." 

A juggernaut began to approach me from behind, I noticed it when I turned around to try to go back to mine. I tried to aim my handgun, but I just remembered it broke in my hands, "Shit, this is the end." I watched the cockpit open, the man inside looking at me, their mouth moved, yet despite the distance, I still heard his voice clearly, "This is Undertaker, unidentified unit, identify yourself." I think I remembered... what I once was. "Code name, Titan. Last contact with San Mongolia, one stellar year ago." I felt like I could think again, like my mind wasn't a constant haze. 

Suddenly, there was a new voice, "Holy shit! Titan!? How the hell are you still alive!?" I remembered this voice, I wasn't with their squad long, but I recognized them a bit, "Laughing Fox? You're still alive?" The comms filled up, the questions of how Laughing Fox knew me. A juggernaut ran over and screeched to a halt, the cockpit opening and a kid leapt out, I never seen the squad I was last with, I only remembered a few voices. They ran to me, but stopped a ways away, "Someone with a first aid kit needs to get over here! He's injured!" I would wave him off, "Don't need it, I survived that hell..." I remembered the terminology, from my first life, this world of hell. "Damn, how did I let the black sheep make me go insane, haha..." I felt woozy, like I couldn't keep balanced. "Titan!" I heard Laughing Fox shout, but before I even hit the ground, I was out like a light, for the first time in a while I was able to finally relax.

Shinei Nouzen POV

We were on the return trip, the guy named Titan was with Theo, he was being moved as fast as he could to the base. Despite my usual silence, I was curious, "Hey, Laughing Fox, who's Titan?" Theo would say, "Erm, I didn't know him long. But he was just as weird as he was when he wouldn't say who he was. He was constantly mumbling our code words for some of the legion. I think his old squad perished, so I think he has a few screws lose. But he was saying, "The black sheep, they're coming. I can hear the commander, I have to kill em.". If anything, I used to think he was crazy, but being with you Undertaker, I think he isn't so crazy." Everyone was silent, it was deafening. 

"So, his old squad is became black sheep and commanders." I spoke with no hesitation. Theo would say, "Hell if I know. We never asked, because something cut his connection to the handler, and he chased a select group of Legion as they fled. I thought he died, instead, he's still alive. He lived a whole year out there, using parts of downed juggernauts and legion to get this far. I knew he had some repair skills, to be used mid combat in the cockpit, but not this much. The fact his juggernaut could still move is beyond me." I watched Fido carry his unit, mostly to see what it been through or if we can get parts from them. It was, as he said several times, a hunk of scrap metal. For now, all we could do was wait for Titan to awaken, to see what his journey held in his year of black sheep chasing. 

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