Battle Bravo - Kirschblute Won't Die

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Grey POV

I began to open my eyes, for once, a stable roof resided over my head from what my right eye could see. I sat up, taking in the room, it seemed to have a refrigerator and a desk with several knife marks in it. "Where am I?" I said, I could barely remember what happened before I passed out, but I spoke with Undertaker and Laughing Fox. "Shin and Theo?" I said, realizing with my head clearer than before, I remembered what this world was, the world of 86. "Damn, what a life I wound up in." I said as I went to stand up, but I quickly fell as I checked my leg, my left leg seemed to be in a cast. I used the desk to stand up, then began to walk around the base I knew I was in. 

As I walked around, I realized no one was here, and it was past noon. "If I'm not mistaken, then..." I panicked and turned on my processor, listening to what was being said. I was somehow able to connect to spearhead, and luckily, it was all quiet. But that's when I heard it, "Titan? What seems to be wrong?" It was Handler one, or Lena. I would say, "I'm sorry handler one, I tried to connect with Spearhead. I just woke up and I can't find anyone, my leg is in a cast and I don't know what to do." Lena would respond, "Ok, I'll connect to Spearhead. I'm going to be clear, we aren't sure what to do with you. So I don't think you can deploy right now considering your reported as-." I cut her off, "Destroyed, yeah, I know." I recalled a thought, "Handler one, before we connect to Spearhead, you have a map you recently found, correct?"

She would seem shocked, "Uh, yes. How did you know?" I would lie, the truth would be weird, "I saw it in a dream, along with the death of Kirschblute." She was silent, but it would work, "She'll be on a hill, then move to take out a legion unit. Tell her to not do that, there's a wetland in the battlefield." She would be confused, so I told her where on the map to look, and I heard surprise, "Woah. You're right, how?" I would scratch my cheek, "It's a special skill, can... hear things others can't. But the dream was what helped me here. Don't tell anyone I told you this." She would be silent, then respond, "Understood Titan, I won't say a word." With that, I was connected to Spearhead Squadron, but Lena disconnected, since she was doing something it seemed. 

"Hey, Spearhead Squadron, sorry for yesterday. I'm ashamed to say I wasn't in my right mind." I said to all, but a voice spoke before anyone, "Holy crap, you're up Titan? You were wreaked yesterday!" It was Theo, guess he truly remembered me before I ditched one of his Squads. "Yeah, I guess I was. What's up with the cast on my leg?" I asked, then Shin spoke, "You're leg was broken, we don't have the means to properly fix it, but we did our best." I would sigh, "I'm sorry, I didn't mean to impose." Someone spoke, it was female, "No, it's alright. We're more interested in how you survived for a whole year than our lost supplies, we can't usually use them anyway." With how soft it was, I assumed it was Anju, or Snow Witch. 

I would sigh, "Sorry guys, I really don't remember the events of the year. It's like I wasn't thinking straight and it all vanished if you may." I heard sighs of dissatisfaction. But Shin would say, "Hey, don't be disappointed. I doubt you'd want to remember if you were him." Everyone went silent. I would say, "Either way, I'll be here, supporting from the rear as best I can." I heard some chuckles, but that was all for now. All I could do was wait for the time to run it's course.

A Few Hours Later

I was finishing up the map I remembered for this fight, if anything, I could be a backup handler, I even have pieces for where the Legion was moving. I felt a tingle, they were here, I activated my pararaid, "Attention Spearhead, the forecast changed, Legion inbound, move to point 478 and prepare for battle." I heard confusion, Shin would say, "Titan, this isn't a joke, what are you..." He went silent for a moment, then Shin would say, "Everyone, follow what Titan said, the forecast changed." This seemed to cause an uproar, everyone was moving to begin, but Theo would say, "Hold on, Titan, how did you know that?" I would respond, more of a deadpan, "I think you know why I know Laughing Fox, I didn't exactly hide it when I ran into everyone." 

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