Important Notes

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Hello everyone! Welcome to The Singer's Pet Turtle : A Leonardo x Reader Fanfiction. This is, as it sounds, a reader insert story, starring you! Congratulations. There are a few things that need to be gone over before you start reading for this to make sense. First, age ups. The reader is 20 in this story. The turtles are 21, and April is 22. They have still been exploring above ground since 15, and fighting the kraang and all. Which actually leads me into import thing number two.

Everything is taking much longer. I kinda think of it as a realistic timeline of sorts, or a bit larger than average spacing at least for the first season. The story itself starts by taking place within the second season. While some events don't really matter, others are mentioned. For example, the turtles destroying TCRI. There will obviously be inconsistencies for the story to work, and many events skipped because you (as the character) are simply not involved. If there is any confusion, please let me know and I can either clarify for you and/or try to edit the text so it makes more sense.

Finally, this story is intended for mature audiences. From the get go there are mentions of SA happening to the reader, sexual harassment at work, canon violence, and potentially eventual smut. If any of these things bother you OR you are a minor, please do not interact. I can't have that on my conscience. As far as these things being triggering to some, I ask you to be self aware. I don't know you, only you know you, and if these sorts of things both you then do what's best for you. Due to the nature of the plot I don't have the ability to warn you before anything is mentioned. It would make things clunky and hard to read. So please, just know yourself and do what's right for you.

All and all the purpose of this story is to entertain so I certainly hope you all enjoy it. I have no beta reader and this stuff is mostly unedited. Typos, spelling errors, grammar issues, those are bound to happen, but i'll try my best to avoid it. Anyway, enjoy!

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