Chapter 5 : Call on me and Escape

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            Y/n stayed at Jamison's all of Sunday, being fussed over by the boys to the point of feeling suffocated. She insisted time and time again that all she wanted, all she needed, was them to be there for her. After all, the girl planned to take the trauma inducing event and file it away until it disappeared from existence.

It was the perfect plan.

David was having none of that, instead forcing her to talk through it more times than she wanted to count. She'd recite it then cry then watch a movie. It was like clockwork all day until she finally told the story without crying. It was low budget therapy, but got the job done for now. Y/n suppose the constant build it this moment almost made it easier, as awful as that sounded. So did the fact that Donatello showed up out of nowhere to save her. The idea of having someone available to step in filled her chest with comfort.

She was still shaky, Y/n was willing to admit that much, but she didn't want to stop her life because of this. Fa and Ito were lowly scum of the earth, she decided, someone that miserable would not ruin her life. So, when she woke up one Monday morning with an invasion to get lunch for Karai, she pried herself out of David's arms and abandoned the men in the living room so she could get ready.

Life would go on; she would go on. She would note herself as the girl who broke a wanna be rapist's arm, not a victim, a fighter. The label filled Y/n with pride. It made her feel stronger than she was, braver than she saw herself, almost unstoppable. Gathering the feeling she made herself look presentable. Digging through Jamison's closet for the small bag of clothes she left with him, and beaming when she found a cute yet casual top and jeans waiting for her.

Changing fact, Y/n brushed and styled her hair, smiling in the mirror before leaving the bedroom. Rushing back to the living room she called out a goodbye as well as where she was going before either of the men could object. Purse thrown over her shoulder, Y/n almost ran down the hall to the elevator, afraid that her friends might chase her. She wanted out of the apartment. She was more than capable of going to lunch. She was strong damnit!

And she felt that way until she left the crowded streets of Jamison's black towards a quiet street that would take her straight to her and Karai's favorite lunch spot. The fastest way to get there was to rush through a three-block stretch in a sketchier part of the city. On a good day, this stretch made her nervous, but today the moment she passed the first alleyway, Y/n froze.

Her head turned to look down the dimly lit passage. A fire escape on the right, with a dumpster below it. Two side doors, one per building, and a dead end in the back. Near the entrance of the alley was a manhole cover that was slightly off kilter. Y/n's eyes locked on the metal circle for a few moments as her mind scrambled.

Why did I stop? She asked herself while trying to will herself on. Why can't I move?

That's when it hit her. She was afraid. Of what? There was nothing there. That alley was empty. It was just a dark alley. It was just a... A pain shot up her back. If left like she was getting slammed against one of those brick walls, but she wasn't near them. What the hell! This was ridiculous. Y/n looked down at her hand. She was shaking. She was afraid of the stupid alleyway.

Y/n wanted to groan in frustration, but she couldn't. No. The fear was too much. She needed to move.

The girl dug within herself for the confidence she had found previously and used it to press on. She was almost at the restaurant. Almost somewhere with people and artificial light and most importantly, her friend. Y/n all but ran. Only two blocks left. Two blocks that felt like two miles. By the time she arrived at the restaurant, her lungs burned. That shouldn't have been as strenuous as it was, but there was nothing she could do about it now. So, she chose an action she knew she could do. With a breath, Y/n forced a while and approached the host to acquire a table for two.

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