Chapter 5 : The Art vs The Artist

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As the ending song played, (y/n) looked over at her turtle, happy to see a subtle smile on his face. Throughout the movie he had various reactions, and even tried to laugh a few times, but that of course, just reminded him how sore his throat was. Even so, he seemed to enjoy it, so as the credits popped onto the screen, (y/n) set up and crossed her legs under her body to face her pet.

"So, what did you think?" the girl asked, and her turtle turned his smile to her. She took that to mean he liked it. "Good. I hope that explains the names a bit. You just seem a lot like Francoeur to me. You, admittedly, look a bit scary, but you're actually really sweet and just...ya know...something special."

Her pet's smiles only grew as he placed a hand on her knee, giving it a squeeze, hoping that it would express his thanks. At first it did make (y/n) smile. She liked that he was becoming comfortable, but then that smile faded. There was too much on her mind to be happy. After all, the movie gave her time to think and through thinking she realized a few things about their situation. Namely, that to Francoeur, this was simply another prison cell, not a new home for him to enjoy.

So, very slowly, the girl placed her hand on top of her turtle's green one. "I know this probably isn't where you want to be." she started, her tone low and a bit hesitant. "After all, Karai mentioned you had brothers, and I'm sure they are out there worried about you. I understand that you would rather be with them right now, but, well, since you're kinda stuck here, we might as well make the most of our time right."

(y/n) then looked up at him with hopeful eyes, a certain desperation bled into her words as well. "We can get to know each other or play games. We could become friends if you want." Her voice trailed off for a moment, and her grip on his hand tightened. "What do you think, Francoeur? Could we be friends?"

It took a moment as the turtle thought over her words. There was understanding that he didn't expect. She didn't shy away from the fact that he wasn't where he wanted to be, that he probably had a worried family somewhere. She acknowledged it. (Y/n) wasn't trying to disguise this situation as something it wasn't she simply wanted to make it as pleasant as possible.

First with the name. Something that she could use just to show him some form of respect. Now her acknowledgement as well. Then there was her last request. The olive branch of it all. The offer of friendship, that she left available for him to decline. It was his choice. He looked at her patiently, waiting for something other than what she expressed to leak through. Some sort of proof of deception, but it never came, and he was pretty certain it never would.

So, as he squeezed her knee once again.

Francoeur, nodded.

For the next two days, (y/n) was home all day. Something both household members were happy about. It gave them time to get used to each other and the workings of the apartment. Together they cooked, cleaned, and simply tried to relax. Every hour (y/n) could give Francoeur his eye drops and change his bandages and had even started him on a regimen of two cups of honey tea with each meal to help the pain in his throat. He continued to sleep in her room, while (y/n) occupied the guest rooms, only venturing into his personal space to grab clothes or books that she needed.

Wednesday was the first day that Francoeur was left alone. As she went out the door, (y/n) explained that he was welcome to eat anything he wanted, and that she would be home late. Earlier in the week she gave him her schedule. Rehearsals with David on Wednesday, alternating houses, then performances on Friday and Saturday. In total, Francoeur had about twenty hours a week without his owner present.

One her schedule were also various chores and tasks as well as pick-ups. (y/n) had explained to him how Mr. Okoru insisted that things be done for her, she even confided in her pet her anxieties from it. 'It feels as if he always wants to have eyes on me.' the girl had admitted before pointing at a camera in the living room. 'There is one in everyone except the master bedroom and the bathrooms.' After that delightful piece of information was revealed Francoeur made sure he knew where every single camera was located, and even did a thorough sweep for bugs. It was a cold comfort when he found none. The foot could see everything that goes on within the apartment, but they couldn't hear it.

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