Chapter 6 : All Hands on Deck

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After returning home from David's, Y/n began to frantically scurry around her apartment taking inventory of all of her possessions. One by one she gave the items a rating from 1 to 10. The throw blanket, 5, photos of her parents 10, jiu jitsu belt 7, diplomas 8, performance gowns 1. Anything five and up had a chance of coming with her, but only eight and up items were guaranteed. With that in mind she started to collect. First she went to her living room and opened her DVD binder case. There were empty pockets that she never used and some extra space that she could wiggle things into. Once zipped, however, it just looked like an accordion folder. The perfect thing to bring to April at lunch.

The DVDs themselves rated at a solid 7. She loved them, and movies were probably one of her top hobbies. Inside, she figured she's but some photos of her parents and childhood, as well as her diplomas. Once out of the frames, none of those things would take up space. Her eyes then moved to the single mess pocket. It was spacious. If she could, maybe she'll tuck her black belt into there.

Y/n nodded to herself and began to move. Starting in her office she collected up a few picture frames and began slipping out the portraits they protected. Next she went into her bedroom. Starting with the frame on her vanity, she grabbed the picture and smiled. It was her and her friends after one of Jamie's shows. They had decided that day to dress fancy to see the performance. One of Jamie's cast mates took a picture of them standing in front of the Moulin Rouge sign as soon as the show ended. In the background were crowds of people rushing around the streets, but they were easy to ignore. Afterall, they all looked so happy. The actual, perfectly taken image, was on display at Karai's place, but here was a bit of a blooper.

Being her luck, the wind started to blow as soon as the picture was taken. Before the snap went off Y/n and Karai had both gone for the singing legs. Laughing they are holding the skirt of her dress down. Her hair, which was loose and curled blew wildly in David's face, but you could still see his wide smile as he pointed towards the girls laughing. Jamie was laughing just as hard as he clenched over holding his stomach. Karai was smiling as she looked at Y/n, the girls' heads nearly together as they worked to fight the wind.

A sad smile made its way onto Y/n's cheeks as she removed it from the frame and stacked it with the others. Somehow, in the matter of a few hours, a ticking clock on her friendships had appeared over her head, taunting her. During her talk with David, she hadn't said a word about her own leaving, instead allowing the man to talk about what he's supposed to pack for his training camp. He filled any silence with apologies towards her and promised to reach out. A fair impression of Karai's lipstick still hung on her cheek from her friend's final goodbye. Only Jamie was left, and Y/n wasn't sure if she could bring herself to reach out. He would already have to deal with David up and leaving, he was bettering in the dark about her, Y/n rationalized

Shaking her head Y/n went to her bedside table and grabbed the family phone she had there, adding it to the stack before finally moving to stand on her bed. Silently she worked to take her degrees off the wall as well and her black belt. That was everything she wanted for the first exchange. Nodding to herself, Y/n prepared to take the items to the living room only to hesitate then she opened her bedroom door. With her hall light off, Y/n found herself staring straight again at the red dot of a camera that pointed at the door for her master bedroom. In an instant she felt caught. She hadn't even done anything yet.

Still, the girl backed up and slammed the door faster than she ever had before. She and her possessions to her chest as her mind raced. How am I supposed to do this? She wonders, there are cameras almost everywhere. Her heart raced. Those cameras had to be what had gotten her in trouble in the first place. They saw everything.

They saw Leonardo's brothers break in; they watched as they didn't hurt her. They watched as Leonardo stepped in, protecting her. They saw that they almost... Y/n shook her head violently. The point. Whoever had access to those tapes, would be able to see her packing up her things. She needed to think smart. Her eyes darted around her bedroom. Before the renovations this room was clear of cameras. If that was still true, this could be one of her only safe places to move. Y/n set her items down on her bed before going to leave her room again, trying to avoid eye contact with the camera as she went to the living room to pick up her DVD case and bring it into her bedroom with her, she would pack it in there.

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