Chapter 1 : Watching from the Nosebleeds

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It had taken a week for Leonardo to start opening up to his family about his time as a prisoner. It took another two for him to tell any of them about this time with (y/n) outside of answering the occasional question. When he did decide to open up, the oldest turtle chose his father to speak too, feeling that he would be the most understanding. As if the man had known his son was finally ready, when Leonardo entered the dojo that afternoon, his father was sitting under the bonsai tree, a cup of tea in hand as another, freshly poured cup sat on the tray in front of him.

The older man looked up at his son when he entered with a subtle smile as he nodded his head to the extra cup. Leonardo nodded in response as he slid the doors shut behind him. Moving forward, he sat on his knees and grabbed the cup, taking a sip while his father patiently waited. The taste and warmth were something he missed. There was nothing that could compare to his father's tea. Ever since he was little it was a source of comfort for him, yet strangely, over these past weeks where he was in most need of the comfort the drink provided, Leonardo never thought to request a cup. Perhaps he knew that if he asked his father for tea, he would be expected to talk.

He wondered as they sat in silence, if that was what the rat was waiting for. For Leo to take the first step and speak to him. It made the turtle question if he was actually ready for his. He still missed (y/n), more than he expected to, and it was starting to hurt. Of course, his own actions hadn't been helping the situation much. Leonardo kept all of his loneliness tucked away inside of him, not allowing himself to feel it. After all, he shouldn't be lonely. Not anymore. He was home. His father and brothers were here, keeping him busy, helping him adjust to normalcy. Casey and April had come down to visit a few times as well, telling him animated versions of everything he had missed while away. Leonardo wasn't alone, he was almost never alone, and yet he couldn't shake the feeling.

There were just things his brothers didn't do that (y/n) did. No one woke him up with their singing, no one thumped their head against his shoulder until he chose something to watch on TV, no one danced in the kitchen while cooking, banging every cabinet in time with the music playing, no one cuddled up against him unprompted only to pout if his arm didn't instantly drape across them. Not that he wanted these things from his family and friends, the opposite in fact. The selfish part of him never wanted to hear another person sing as they wandered the lair, or bicker with him about television shows. Those things were reserved to (y/n) and (y/n) alone. Maybe that's why he was so lonely. He missed the things that were here simply her, simply theirs.

He took another sip, hoping the tea would calm his racing mind, but it did little to help. It wasn't until his father spoke that Leo's mind stopped its dangerous cycle in favor of paying attention to the man.

"How is your tea, my son?" his father asked simply.

Leonardo thought his eyes jumped from his head at the question. It was so far from anything he had expected, yet his father waited patiently with no reaction more than a quick flick of his ear. Silently the rat watched as his son opened and closed his mouth a few times before responding, his head tilted to the side just slightly.

"It's good?" His response was posed a question, something the turtle caught quickly and attempted to amend. "I mean great. Excellent even. It was just what I needed. Thank you."

"I'm glad to hear that."

Another bout of silence settled between the pair as they continued to sip at their respective cups of tea. While it should have realized the turtle, it only made him confused. He wasn't expecting that question. He was almost certain that his father would ask him about (y/n), or at the very least this capture as a whole. Why was he stalling?

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