Chapter 1 : Keep your Enemies Closer

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Planning, recovery, planning; planning, recovery, planning; planning, get the jist. This was Y/n's life for the past three weeks. She would wake up, shockingly after Leonardo, only to find the turtle either sitting beside her in bed or on the floor writing away in a journal that he used exclusively for mission planning. Carefully, y/n would sit up and navigate her way to his side to kiss his cheek and say good morning before rushing off to prepare breakfast. After everyone eats, she and Donnie would hide away in the lab to work on the next batch of retro-mutagen and change her bandages until the boy's afternoon training, which Y/n was forced to watch from the side lines due to everyone being far too concerned about her healing burns.

When training ended Y/n would make dinner while Leo sat in the kitchen tossing out some ideas on how to rescue Karai for y/n to mull over. Once everyone ate, the boys would head out for patrol, Leonardo rushing past Y/n to kiss her head and promise to be home soon on his way. Y/n and splinter would then spend the afternoon together, usually meditating (or attempting to in Y/n's case) or simply enjoying each other's presence as they both read or watched a movie. When the boys get back Y/n sprints to the shower to try and beat the brothers. Once she's clean she'd wander back to the bedroom where Leo would be waiting and once again planning. Leo then helped her put on a fresh set of bandages and the pair climbed into bed.

Y/n couldn't help but giggle to herself while brushing her hair one night while waiting for the boys to come home from their nightly patrol / Karai search. The memory of Leonardo's face the first night he helped her was just too cute to forget. Then again, she's certain that she didn't help his flustered response. After all, the only warning she got was, "Thank you for helping me with this" before Y/n tugged on a pair of shorts then dropped her towel. In a flash Leonardo went from staring at the woman he liked in a towel (already a bit flustered but able to fight any too dramatic of a reaction) to seeing her staring at him expectantly bare breast on full display.

"Oh!" Was all he managed to say as his face turned a few shades darker.

Y/n couldn't help but laugh as she fought through a wince to wrap her arm around her torso to cover her chest in an attempt to ease his nerves. "Sorry! That was pretty sudden huh."

The turtle managed his own burst of nervous laughter as his eyes quickly locked on the dresser beside them. "A little bit, but uh, I guess it is necessary. You do need shoulder and back treatment. It would be hard to do that if you were um...covered."

"True. So, I'm gonna move my arms and you're gonna be ok?" Y/n asked though a giggle, and Leonardo nodded.

Carefully she lowered her arms and watched as Leo stole a quick glance at her breaths before turning around to grant he burn creme and new bandages. In a flash he was behind her, focusing solely on his task until she was properly wrapped up, and back in a shirt. The turtle even went as far as to stay directly behind her until Y/n's shirt was fully replaced.

Y/n laughed fondly at the memory before setting down her hairbrush Francoeur is doing pretty well focusing on ninja work while also giving me attention, she thought to herself If this is how he's gonna balance it then maybe some kind of relationship could be in the cards for us. The thought made her smile, but she didn't have long to dwell on it, since soon she was called to the living room by Mikey

He had started doing this the second Donnie and Leo placed her essentially on house arrest to recover. The youngest turtle said it was his way of giving her a taste of the world. The late-night chats were definitely sweet, but ultimately just made her feel even more left out than before. Even so, it was the thought that counted, so she sat on the couch to grin and bear it. That's what she expected this night as well, but instead when she entered the living space she froze. The boys all looked rough and were covered in black smudges as if they were caught in some kinda fire or explosion.

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