Chapter 4 : A Deal with an Enemy

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Donatello wasn't sure how he felt about leaving Y/n alone in that hallway. Maybe that's why he chose to linger, pressing his body tightly against the brick wall of the building just outside the window he used as an escape. He all but held his breath as he waited. Confirmation that she was safe was all he needed. It was late, so her friend might be asleep already, after all no lights were on that they could see from the windows. Silently he grabbed his phone and checked the time. It was past Midnight. He would give this Jamison person ten minutes. If he didn't answer the door by then, he would just go back in and grab Y/n, take her back to the lair, back to Leo, where he knew she would be safe.

The turtle's stomach tightened as he listened to her continuously bang on the door. Leo will kill me if I go back without her being inside. He told himself, though the banging was overbearing. A moment before he was certain that he was going to go insane, Donatello heard his salvation in the form of a very groggy and irritated young man.

"What!" he barked out before his tone suddenly changed. "Y/n?"

Okay, she's good now, Donatello nodded to himself then finally took the lead to the bottom of the alley. Tugging up the man whole, he made his escape to the swears before rushing home to his waiting brothers.

In a dose of false hope, the purple turtle assumed when he jumped the turn stiles into the lair he would find his brothers all lounge in the living room. Instead, he was met with the sight of Raphael and Michelangelo working together to hold Leonardo back from the entrance. Donnie's first thought was admittedly outlandish, but he couldn't help it. The panicked and angry expression on his older brother made him wonder, does he have some kinda ESP? After all, that was the expression he expected after he told Leo what happened not before.

When the blue clad turtle saw his little brother enter the lair, all his fight left with a revealed sigh. The change was so fast that it shocked all three of his younger brothers. Leonardo paid them no mind, simply shrugging Mikey, and Raph off so he could walk to Donnie's side. Placing a hand on his little brother's shoulder he asked a single question.

"That took a while. No problems?"

Donnie cringed at the question, "I wouldn't say that."

In another snap, Leo's body tensed up. His grip on his little brother's shoulder tightened as panic filled his eyes. "What happened? Is she ok? Where is she?"

"She's fine now. She asked to go to her friend Jamie's apartment so I took her there." his little brother explained hoping it would calm Leo down, but it did the opposite.

"You interacted with her!" He all but screamed. "Why? What happened? What happened to Finch."

A jolt rushed through the room, climbing up the back of all four brothers as Leo's words were processed. He didn't mean to say her name, but he was panicking. Donnie was shocked that any amount of panic could cause their leader to break his silence on the matter, after all following Y/n home was a secret. The others were simply startled as they quickly learned what their brothers were talking about. For Raphael, that shock faded quickly and morphed into irritation.

"Finch?" he asked harshly. "Wait, are you two talking about the girl who kept you hostage?"

"I wasn't her hostage, I was her..." Leonardo began to counter only to hesitate. This question was still irking him. What was he to her? A pet? A friend? More than a friend? He wasn't sure. He supposed now he was nothing more than a stalker, but that certainly didn't help his case. Steading his tone, the blue turtle chose the only word that felt remotely correct. "...roommate."

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