The Games day 1

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In the early morning I wake up to the sound of feet. I look down to see the huge boy from 6 running into the forest he’s scary looking, he sees a rabbit under the tree next to mine and he tackles it completely. He lifts it up to his face and rips its head off in one fluid movement then he eats the meet like some kind of barbarian. Then the girl from 6 is next to him and she calmly takes some rabbit that he hands her and they eat.

“Titus you need to wait for me ok?” she tells him.      

“Ok Samantha” he says in a really deep voice.

“I’m really tired could we stay here and rest Titus?” Samantha asks.

“No we keep going.” He says and puts her on his shoulders and runs on.

I get up cautiously and begin to fly through the trees again but in the opposite direction from Titus and Samantha. Away from the tundra, I don’t how they got father than me in the forest of why they are going to the tundra.

Then I hear screaming coming from the area where Titus and Samantha went. Guess they found a tribute? Then the canon fires, yes they did find a tribute; I’ll see who it is tonight.

 I stop and wait for any noises of humans, nothing.  I pull out the dear from yesterday and I eat some for breakfast. The days of gorging myself was great because now I can lose weight all I want but I won’t get to skinny.

I look down to see if anymore food is around. I look at the trees in the area. I see a big green and orange tree. I swing my way to the tree and find it’s an orange tree. I pull of some of the ripe fruit and cut one open with my knife the inside of the fruit is red. I have only eaten an orange once when one fell off a tree at home over the fence. The fruit was orange not red. So I decide to keep two and if I’m ever on the run I’ll drop one and let the enemy find out what it tastes like.

Flying through the trees I stop as I hear the mocking jays singing in the forest. I begin to sing softly and after a normal pause the mocking jays pick up my tune and spread it around. I fly through the trees again listening to the song I sing while I work at home. The arena is darkening so I find I tree to sleep in I pick a silver maple and settle down.

The anthem blares out as the screen come out onto the sky. The girl from district 10 appears and the anthem finishes and darkness falls over the arena. So who’s left the girls from 1, 2, 6 and 7 and the guys from 6, 7, 8 and 9. Who am I missing? That’s 8 not 10 but it won’t matter they’ll die anyway.

The air begins to cool more than last night I grab my jacket and fall asleep fast.

The Hunger Games: Titus's GamesWhere stories live. Discover now