chapter seventeen

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Antonia W.

I had held hands with Sebastian for the whole ride back and we had even kissed as leaving the restaurant. It was really an amazing evening and I saw a chance that everything would be fine again, that our family would be together again.

Sebastian never said anything about the time back in Germany, the time he had hit me and all that. But I saw in his eyes and behavior that he wanted to start again, start a family life with us. And some part inside me was ready to also leave everything behind and start again.

However I had a different feeling in my stomach, now that I was standing in front of Carlos room. A warm feeling spread in my body, a feeling that I had never felt over the last weeks with Sebastian. It was only there when I was around him.

After my third knock the door opened and oh my good was Carlos looking different, good different. His hair was all messy and he wore a simple black shirt and some shorts. It looked like he had just woken up and as soon as he opened his mouth I could hear his deep accentful voice.

"He fell asleep."

"Looks like you both fell asleep." I giggled and looked at him, but he never made eyecontact.

"I can carry him over if you want." Carlos offered but from his voice I could tell that he just offered it to be nice.

While I stepped into the room it got me curious why he acted like that. Normally I was the one putting distance between us as I thought he might get too close but now he seemed completely different.

"No its fine, I am a strong woman I can carry him."

He sighted and sarcastically laughed at my comment but when I turned and looked at him he immediately got silent.

"I hope you had fun?" I asked while I picked Luca's things up.

"Yes we had, it was really nice." Carlos returned and it was the first time this evening that I saw him smile slightly.

Probably he was just tired and because of the race tomorrow I quickly grabbed Luca in my arms and said goodbye before leaving his room. It was really awkward.

On the next morning this little scene was nearly forgotten as it was Luca's birthday and also race day. I had been woken up by light kisses on my neck and it was a perfect way to start the day. After finishing ourselves we woke Luca up and sang for him.

"I have something for you before we go." I smiled at him after we were all ready to leave the hotel room.

His eyes got bigger as I pulled a package out of my bag.

"What is it?" Luca asked curious but was then quick to open the present.

"Do you like it?" I asked and giggled as I watched him pulling the team shirt over his little head.

"Yeah, I love it. Thanks mama." he quickly hugged me before running over to the mirror.

"Why has it to be from him, wouldn't have been a general team shirt better?" Sebastian whispered to me but he sounded not happy.

I just rolled my eyes at that comment and went over to Luca. Only last week my son had asked me if he could have such a nice shirt like the one Carlos was wearing, so now I got him one and he seemed pretty happy with it. Along with there were some racing stickers as he liked to put them on his suitcase.

Before we left Sebastian also gave Luca a present and it was some sort of a gameboy with racing games on it. Of course he was stunned and so we packed it also and then finally left for the race track.

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