chapter twenty-three

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Carlos S.

Of course the offer with the date still stood. And after Antonia had made sure that Checo was fine with her not joining his celebration for the podium she completely agree. As correct as she was she didn't want the Mexican to feel disadvantaged.

But Checo just winked at me and gave me a thumbs up. Even though I never spoke to him about my feelings, like I did with Lando, he suspected something and we quickly had exchanged some phrases in Spanish.

Now I was standing in my hotel room, fixing my hair with my fingers before taking one last look into the mirror. I was wearing a black button up and beige linen trousers, which looked perfect together, but I was even more excited for Antonias outfit, as she looked always stunning in her dinner outfits.

Five minutes before the time we had set I was at her hotel room and as soon as I put my hand up to knock on her door, it opened from the inside.

"Carlos?" she asked surprised as Luca squeezed himself through, towards me.

"Hola chico." I smiled at him and gave him a friendly fist bump, before I turned to Antonia again, who also started smiling, "And hola hermosa."

Antonia giggled as I laid one hand around her waist and pulled her closer before I quickly gave her a kiss on the cheek. She was wearing a white and blue dress and Luca had a matching white shirt and blue trousers, they looked perfect together.

"What are you doing here?" she then asked me, still standing between the door frame of her room.

"As this is our first real date I thought I might pick you guys up."

"You do know that this hotel is full with F1 staff and I am still your boss, what should the people think?"

"That we leave for the party?" I returned cheeky but she shook her head.

"First, Luca is obviously to young for a club and second, if we would go to the party, why would I go with you and not Checo, he is the one who's result we would celebrate, you weren't even on the podium. And even if we"

I stopped her from talking as I pulled her closer to me, out of her hotel room and laid a finger on her lips.

"Relax honey, I already thought this through, we use the back exit so you can calm down. Carlos-Not-On-The-Podium has everything organized so please follow me." I explained and also looked down to Luca, who was giggling at the scene in front of him.

A bit annoyed, with a hidden smile, Antonia gestured me to go in front before she grabbed Lucas hand and followed me.  Like I had planned it there was no one at the back exit and we made it to the little restaurant outside of town without getting noticed.

The whole Taxi ride Luca was happily looking outside the window while Antonia was quiet, but I saw that she had some words inside her, holding back not to spill them out. After I had paid the driver and we all stood on the street it broke out of her.

"Okay fine, you organized that pretty good, but don't believe that impressed me." she said and shrugged her shoulders before taking Luca on her hand and walking though the entrance.

I was quick to follow her and at the welcome desk I reached her, instantly wrapping my arm around her lower back.

"Don't worry, I have so many other talents to impress you." I whispered in to her ear and could see how she got goosebumps.

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