chapter fifty-five

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Carlos S.

The party was great and I was having the biggest smile on my face. Not only because I had just married the love of my life, there was another reason, a reason nobody had a clue about, only Antonia and me were aware of what our love had produced.

"Hello you muppet." Lando greeted me and laid his hand on my shoulder as he stepped closer to me.

"Hey mate, your speech was great, thanks a lot, for everything." I returned and hugged him, even a little tear rolled down my face.

"You two are great and I am happy that you found together." the Brit said before he laughed, "If I just can show the Carlos from last year these pictures, the one that was whining all over her as he was scared that she had no feeling. Well guess what, she had feelings, also back than."

"Thanks, really." I returned sarcastically but we laughed.

We then looked over the people and I saw my dad dancing with Luca and I had to smile, he really loved this little human like his own one, even though he wasn't our biggest supporter at the beginning.

"You do such an amazing job with Luca, he's such an adorable kid." Lando smiled and looked at me, "Can't wait until you gonna have more of this sort."

A heat washed through my body as I had to think about the positive pregnancy test that Antonia had showed me before. Because of these thoughts I needed some moments before I could answer.

"So you can manifest your role as uncle Lando?"

The Brit laughed and at that moment Luca saw us and ran over as my dad needed a break anyway.

"Of course, he loves me." Lando laughed as he picked up Luca into his arms.

"Yeah, uncle Lando!" the boy giggled and threw his arms around Lando's neck.

I smiled at them before my look went over the people again and some slower songs started playing. Suddenly I saw Antonia with my mother and some family members of us. The thing that irritated me though was that she was holding a wine glass in her hand, with wine in it.

"Excuse me, for a moment." I therefore said to Lando and Luca and went over.

"You papa wants to dance with your mama." I heard the Brit saying to my son behind, "What do you say, should we also go dancing?"

The last thing I heard was Luca giggling before I reached my beautiful wife. As she was standing with her back towards me I carefully laid my hands on her waist. By now she knew my hands like her own and she didn't even shrug at the touch, just leaning into it even more.

"May I steal you for a dance?" I asked over her shoulder towards my mother and the other women and smiled.

They of course understood it immediately and stepped away, back to their tables and over to the buffet.

"Hello husband." Antonia whispered and leaned her head against my shoulder while she turned it so she was looking at me.

"Hello wife." I returned and joined our lips in an heartfelt kiss.

Then I slowly leaned back again and looked at the glass in her hand.

"I think the baby won't be too happy about this." I whispered and took the glass from her.

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