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- 1983

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- 1983

"Okay, she should be here any second", said John landis. Michael nodded and repeatedly kissed moon's cheek. Moon squealed. A gorgeous woman with a red adidas shirt entered the studio. She smiled. "Hi", said ola ray. "Ola! I'm so glad you came, this is michael jackson and his three year old daughter moon", said John and smiled.

"Hi", said ola and shook hands with michael. "It's really nice to meet you", said ola. Michael smiled. "Hello", said ola and gently pinched moon's cheek. "She's also shy just like her father", said John. Ola smiled. "Alright let's get started", said John. Michael did a silly dance.

John put his hands on his hips. "Now michael, that's not what we rehearsed", said John. Ola laughed. "Now, you're just gonna walk in a straight line and michael will start singing", said John and put the beat of thriller. "Go!", exclaimed John and watched. Ola walked with her arms crossed and michael sang:

It's close to midnight and something evil's lurkin' in the dark
Under the moonlight you see a sight that almost stops your heart

You try to scream but terror takes the sound before you make it
You start to freeze as horror looks you right between the eyes,
You're paralyzed

'Cause this is thriller, thriller night
And no one's gonna save you from the beast about to strike
You know it's thriller, thriller night
You're fighting for your life inside a killer, thriller tonight

John paused the beat. "That was amazing", said John.  John was giving more ideas to ola on what also she could. "Michael come here", said John and sticked his hand out. Michael kept dancing and spinning. Ola smiled. "Michael!", exclaimed John and laughed. Michael made his way to John.

"Stop messing around", said John and laughed. "Take a break", said John. Michael sat down and crossed his legs. Ola sat next to michael. "You guys are doing great", said John. "So ola, I'm really glad I found you, there were so many actresses and It was hard for me to choose but then I saw you, and let me just say you are perfect for this", said John. Ola smiled. "Thank you John", said ola and laughed. Michael looked at ola.

Moon came running to michael with something in her small hand. "Dada look!", exclaimed moon. "What do you have there?", asked michael with curiosity. Moon opened her hand making the cockroach move a little. Ola shrieked and stood up. John covered his mouth. Michael picked it up and looked at it. "How cute is he", said michael and poked it gently with his finger.

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