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- 𝐅𝐞𝐛𝐫𝐮𝐚𝐫𝐲 28, 1984

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- 𝐅𝐞𝐛𝐫𝐮𝐚𝐫𝐲 28, 1984

Quincy Jones got in the limo. "Come on little jackson", said quincy. Michael laughed and picked her up. Michael got on the limo and put moon on his lap. "Daddy where we going?", asked moon and stared at his shiny blue and gold jacket. "To the grammys but first we're going to pick up brooke", said michael. "Yay!", exclaimed moon.

Quincy laughed. The limo pulled up outside a nice pink house. Brooke stepped out in her white and black dress. Her hair loose. "She looks like a princess", said moon. Michael opened the door for her. "Hey", said brooke and smiled. Michael smiled back. "Hey brooke", said michael.

The driver started driving and made his way to the grammys. "Are you nervous?", asked quincy. "A little", said michael. "You've got this", said brooke. "Thank you", said michael.


Quincy, michael, moon, and brooke stepped out of the limo. The photographers immediately started taking photos. Michael picked up moon and covered her eyes with his shiny gloved hand. Chuck Berry saw michael and gasped. "Good to see you again!", exclaimed chuck and laughed.

Chuck picked up brooke bridal style and smiled. The photographers took more pictures. Brooke smiled. Chuck set brooke down. Emmanuel Lewis tapped michael. Michael looked down and smiled. "My best friend michael", said emmanuel. Moon waved at emmanuel. He waved back with a smile. "Bye chucky", said moon.

"Bye darlin!", exclaimed chuck and went to take his seat. "Let's go sit", said quincy. Moon ran to the seats. Brooke sat next to michael on the left. Michael sat down and placed moon on his lap. "I will sit next to michael", said emmanuel. "No, I will", said quincy. "Kid move", said quincy.

"Let him sit there", said michael. Emmanuel sat next to michael. Quincy sat next to emmanuel and watched the stage. Names appeared on the big screen on the wall of the stage. "Daddy is part of the list!", exclaimed moon. "Best rock vocal performance, male", said brooke.

A group of men walked on stage with the envelope. One of the men opened the envelope while the rest looked. "Quincy Jones and Michael Jackson!", exclaimed all of them. Everyone stood up and cheered. Quincy and Michael stood up. Quincy wrapped his arm around michael. They made their way to the stage. Michael accepted the grammy. Quincy wrapped his arm around michael's waist. Michael raised his arm while looking at the crowd. Quincy smiled.

"Michael um...", said quincy and laughed while the crowd kept screaming and clapping. "He made me promise if we want anything, that I wouldn't put my glasses out and embarrass him, because he's 25 and I'm 50", said quincy and made the crowd laugh. "You know what I mean", said quincy. "But uh the main job of a producer is to produce and see that everything works, and we'd like to thank the people that make this work", said quincy. Michael had his arm wrapped around quincy. "Uh I'm not gonna use my glasses", said quincy while reaching inside his pocket on his suit. The crowd laughed.

"But I have to", said quincy. "We'd like to thank Paul McCartney, Eddie Van Halen, Vincent Price, Bruce Wadeen, Baritone Gottfiger, Don Landy, 62 musicians, the best in the world, 22 of the best singers in the world, the voters of Narrows Epic Records, the disc jockeys, Betty Demand, Ron Weisner, the songwriters without whom we couldn't fly, Roth Temperate, Michael Jackson", said quincy. A few people screamed from the crowd. Michael smiled. Quincy laughed.

"James Ingram, Steve Baccaro, John Bettis, my wife who chose to take care of me, rather than pursue her own career, ha ha and our family", said quincy and smiled. Michael smiled too. "and I love her", said quincy and smiled. "and Michael Jackson is-", quincy was cut off by screams from the crowd. Michael laughed. "and his beautiful family, and I want to also thank him for co producing three sides on the album, and I think he's one of the greatest entertainers of the 20th century, I mean that from all my heart", said quincy and looked at michael. The crowd clapped and cheered. Michael and quincy hugged.

"I don't wanna take up much time, I just wanna say thank you and I love you all", said michael and blew a kiss. The crowd cheered and screamed.


"When something like when something like this happens, want those who are very dear to you up here with you, I like to ask for my sisters, latoya and Janet please come up", said michael. The crowd started clapping. Latoya first stood up and made her way to the stage. "Bring moon!", exclaimed michael. Latoya and michael hugged. "My sister Janet is welcome", said michael.

Janet took moon by her hand and made her way to the stage. The crowd screamed at the sight of little moon. Latoya wrapped her arm around Janet. "First of all I like to thank God who's um first-" michael was cut off. "Michael!", exclaimed a man. Everyone laughed. Michael was holding moon. "Oh rebbie I like to have you up here too you know", said michael. "Also I like to thank my mother and father who is, we're with this all the way, I mean my mother is very shy, she's like me she won't come up", said michael. The crowd laughed and cheered. A few whistled.

Rebbie finally made her way on stage. Janet wrapped her arm around rebbie and smiled. "My other sister, I have three sisters, also like to thank all my brothers, who I love very dearly, all of including Jermaine", said michael and blew a kiss. He pointed at Jermaine and smiled.

"Forgot to say the Steven Spielberg on the uh et album, I love him very much and I also forgot to thank Quincy, uh his wife Peggy Jones, she was a great help on the et album", said michael. Peggy smiled from the crowd. A very beautiful blonde woman. "Um made a deal with myself if I win one more award, which is this award which is 7 which is a record, I would take off my glasses", said michael. The crowd cheered and screamed.

"So I- I don't want to take them off really but...okay well Katherine Hepburn, who is a dear friend of mine, she told me I should and I'm doing it for her okay", said michael and smiled. "And the girl and the girls in the back", said michael and removed his sunglasses. All the women from the crowd screamed. Quincy laughed from the crowd and clapped. Michael laughed and turned around.

Moon waved at the crowd. Michael kissed moon's cheek. Prince watched and had no emotion on his face. He won no grammys.


Everyone started leaving. Michael took moon's hand. Katherine behind them. "Your father and I are very proud of you dear", said katherine. "Thanks mother", said michael and smiled. "8 grammys in one night", said katherine. Suddenly a purple car almost ran over them. Michael picked up moon and took katherine by the hand and moved out of the way. Michael got to see who it was. It was prince.

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