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- 𝐌𝐢𝐝 1995

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- 𝐌𝐢𝐝 1995

"And with me of course, moonlight jackson, michael jackson, and lisa presley", said diane sawyer. "It's moon, just moon, my family only calls me moonlight", said moon and crossed her legs. Michael laughed. "Welcome to Prime Time, glad you're here", said diane. Lisa smiled.

"It occurs to me looking at the two of you, I have got to start by asking, how this marriage took place, let me guess that it was not over miniature golf and a hot dog someplace", said diane and laughed. "When did it start? when was the dating?", asked diane. Moon fixed her white mini skirt and crop top. She looked down at her exposed stomach. "Well we first met...she was 7 years old and I was 17, this was in Las Vegas, we had the only family show on the strip time, is the Jackson 5 and um...she used to come as a little girl", said michael. Lisa looked at michael and a smile slowly appeared on her face.

"And sit right up front, she came quite often, she came with a lot of bodyguards", said michael with a smile. "And had you stayed in touch over all the-", michael cut diane off. "Sure", said michael. "She come backstage then you know talk, say hi did she come again", said michael. "And I thought she was sweet and loving, and I hoped I always hoped I'd see her again", said michael.

"And who first talked about marriage?", asked diane. Lisa's and moon's eyes went straight to diane. "We didn't stay in touch", said lisa. "We didn't stay in touch after that no", said michael. "He- go ahead", said lisa and looked at michael.
"You wanna say what happened?", asked lisa to michael with a smile. "No", said michael. Moon smiled. "You can say, you have a good memory", said michael. "No you said you were gonna say", said lisa. "Our first argument here on this hour", said diane. Lisa and michael laughed. Moon held her father's hand while looking at diane.

"Um who-who proposed?", diane asked. "I mean how did marriage actually get discussed?", asked diane. "Well", said lisa. "Well at first, this is what happened, when she was eighteen", said michael. Lisa looked at michael with a smile. "I used to tell my lawyer, John Branca, do you know Lisa Marie Presley? He'd go, well I represent her mother, I go well can you get in touch with her, cause I think she's really cute, he'd laugh every time, he'd go I'll do my best", said michael and laughed.

"That's what he'd say, then he'd come back, I said what did you find out, he said no there's nothing, so I would worry him about this all the time, the next thing I noticed, there's a picture on a magazine cover, where she's married, which really tore me to pieces, and then we did- cause I felt that was supposed to be me, I really did", said michael. "He cried himself to sleep", said moon. Michael laughed loudly. "No I did not!", exclaimed michael and tickled moon. Moon yelped and covered her mouth. Lisa smiled.

"And what was the countdown to your marriage? Tell me who said the word marriage", said diane. "I did", said michael. "He did", said lisa. "When where?", asked diane. "When where on the telephone", said michael and realized. He looked at lisa. "Oh yeah oh yeah, on the telephone", said michael. "He first asked me when we were dating now, four months, um right four months?", asked lisa and looked at michael. "I don't remember", said michael. "Well anyway, we were spending a lot of time together, I don't know how to manage to get in the press, because we weren't hiding it, I was in Las Vegas, we were in everywhere-", michael cut lisa off. "Everywhere we went to bookstores", said michael.

"We were not hiding it", said lisa. "And you said, yes right away?", asked diane. "I was separated for four months, and I said- he said what would you do if I asked you to marry me, and I said I would", said lisa while slowly nodding. "A big eye with you are a real enthusiast", said michael and laughed. Lisa shook her head and laughed. "I have to ask you this, because I can only imagine the number of lawyers, involved in a prenuptial agreement, between these two fortunes, is there one? a careful one?", asked diane.

"Well we've worked out things, and we've signed certain things, but of course that's very confidential", said michael. "We agree we made agreements prior", said lisa. "As you know, the reaction to this marriage, and I know you feel strongly about it, but the reaction to this marriage, has been across the spectrum, everything from astonishment to delight to suspicion, that it was somehow too convenient, Lisa did did you ask Michael about the charges?", asked diane. Lisa looked a little frustrated and stared at diane. "Did the two of you talk about the impact? of the marriage on the allegations", said diane. "Absolutely not, he called- I was in touch with him to the whole process of this charges going on, I was talking to him when he disappeared, I was actually supposed to go to San Juan, Puerto Rico, when he left and disappeared, and I got a call that he wasn't gonna be there", said lisa.

"And I was actually part of the whole thing with him, but talking to him on the phone, so I didn't", diane cut lisa off. "You didn't say to him, are they true?", asked diane. "No I didn't", said lisa. Moon wanted to say something to diane but michael signaled her not to. "No I actually did not", said lisa while shaking her head. "I wanna take a minute here, and I'm gonna come back to the marriage", said diane. Lisa put her hands up.

"Sorry he went on and on and on about it, so I didn't really have to say are the allegations true? it was you know ahhh", said lisa making a face. Michael and moon laughed. "On the phone you know", said lisa.


"I think I wanna begin, by making sure that the terms are clear, you have said that you would never harm a child, I wanna be specific as I can, did you ever- as this young boy said you did, did you ever sexually, engage, fondle, have sexual contact with this child or any other child?", asked diane. Moon flipped her hair and started taking off her hoop earrings. She was ready to fight this bitch. Lisa turned her around and whispered no.

"Never ever I could never harm a child or anyone, it's not in my heart, it's not who I am", said michael.


"They turned my room upside down, went through all my books, all my videotapes", said michael. Diane was about to speak but moon cut her off. "Let him talk", said moon. "All my private things, and they found nothing, nothing, nothing that can say, Michael Jackson did this, nothing!", exclaimed michael. "But let me ask you-" michael cut off diane. "To this day nothing, still nothing", said michael. "Let me ask you-" michael cut off diane again.

"What is a 36 year old man doing sleeping with a 12 year old boy? or a series of them?", asked diane. "Okay, that's it", said moon and took off her hoop earrings. "Moon no!", exclaimed lisa. Michael just watched in amusement. Moon tackled diane. Michael covered his mouth with his hand and laughed. Lisa stared at michael.

"I mean...oh no! Moon don't- why would you do that?", asked michael and held the laughs.

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