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ఌ︎ - 𝐅𝐞𝐛𝐫𝐮𝐚𝐫𝐲 16𝐭𝐡, 2024

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ఌ︎ - 𝐅𝐞𝐛𝐫𝐮𝐚𝐫𝐲 16𝐭𝐡, 2024

Moon looked at the tower records photo albums. "Oh my goodness it feels like the 70s", said moon. Paris watched jaafar portray michael during the wall era of 1979. A crowd of people on the sidewalk across the street watched.

"Is that michael jackson?", asked one of them. Moon screamed of excitement and laughed. She stood behind bigi. "What the fuck", said bigi. "Those people thought it was dad", said moon.

"Oh my gosh", said paris. Antoine watched the screens and nodded. The extras who were playing paparazzi held their mics. "Michael! Tell us about the album!", exclaimed one of them.

Jaafar laughed. He had the same laugh as michael. "Well, I recommend for you to listen to it", replied Jaafar. A group of fangirls who are also extras screamed michael's name. Jaafar waved at them.

"Ok cut!", exclaimed antoine. "Take 10", said antoine and stood up. Everyone on set went their separate ways. Jaafar made his way to his cousins and sighed. "I heard the trailer is dropping pretty soon", said bigi. "It is, it's going to be exciting", said jaafar and laughed.

"That's why they've been doing a few scenes dummy", said moon. Bigi rolled his eyes. Prince laughed. "Take your 90s insults somewhere else", said bigi. "No mcdonald's for you", said moon and walked away. "Wait no! I'm sorry!", exclaimed bigi and followed moon.


Everyone on set was having lunch. "Thank you for buying us all lunch", said paris. "Bigi made me do it", said moon. "No I did not, this was your idea", said bigi. "I heard they just casted a young actress for the biopic", said moon.

"Oh yeah, I forgot her name but she's going to play paris", said jaafar. "Me?", asked paris and took a bite of her sushi. "Yeah", replied jaafar. "Oh my gosh, you know what", said moon. "What?", asked prince. "They'll probably do the funeral too including paris' speech", replied moon.

"Oh shit, I'm going to cry if that happens", said paris and set her napkin down. "Hey you okay?", asked moon. "Yes moon, she's doing amazing", said bigi. Moon lightly smacked bigi on the arm.

"Shut up", said moon and laughed.

"I'll be fine, don't worry", replied paris and sighed. "I can tell them to not do that part", said jaafar. "No really it's fine, I'll be okay", said paris. "We're just looking out for you", said moon and put her hand on paris' shoulder. "Thanks", said paris.

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