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♥︎ - 𝐉𝐮𝐧𝐞 24, 2009𝐓𝐢𝐦𝐞: 10: 35 𝐩𝐦

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♥︎ - 𝐉𝐮𝐧𝐞 24, 2009
𝐓𝐢𝐦𝐞: 10: 35 𝐩𝐦

Moon entered the gates of neverland with two small cakes. She clicked on the doorbell. Paris opened the door and gasped. "Moon! What are you doing here?", asked paris. "What? Am I not allowed in my childhood home?", asked moon sarcastically and entered. Paris closed the door.

"No, I mean- yes you are allowed but I didn't expect you to come this late", replied paris. "Remind me again, how old are you?", asked moon. "Eleven", replied paris. "Thought so", said moon and set the two small cakes on the table. "Where's dad?", asked moon and took out five plates. "Upstairs, he came back from a concert he did", replied paris. Bigi came to the kitchen and looked at the cakes. "Is this for me?", asked a seven year old bigi. Moon smiled. "No, it's for all of us", replied moon. "Who wants to cut the cake?", asked moon. "Me!", exclaimed paris.

"No I want to!", exclaimed bigi and shoved paris. Moon was shocked. Michael came down the stairs. "What's all the noise?", asked michael. Prince was behind michael and saw the cakes. "Cake", replied moon. "Daddy I want to cut the cake", said bigi. "You'll cut yourself", said michael.

"Ha!", said paris. "You can't either", said michael. "Damn", said moon. "What flavor are they?", asked prince. "Chocolate and vanilla", replied moon. "It's too late for cake", said michael and sat on the kitchen table chair. "Just let then have one piece dad", said moon and began cutting the cakes.

"Alright", said michael. Moon cut three pieces of chocolate cake and put them on plates. "Come and get your pieces", said moon and cut two more for her and michael. "Here dad", said moon. "Thanks", said michael and took the plate.

Moon sat next to michael. "Are they giving you a hard time?", asked moon playfully. "Yeah just like you did", replied michael sassily. "Dad!", exclaimed moon and covered her mouth while laughing. "I'm just kidding", said michael.


Michael layed down on his bed. Moon put on some old vhs tapes from the 80s. Moon pressed a button on the box on top of the big tv. "We're watching videos from your childhood?", asked michael. "Yeah, don't worry, the kids are in bed", said moon.

Moon layed down next to her dad. Michael popped up on the tv. "Tatum, please stop making that face", said michael from the vhs tape. Tatum looked at michael. "Ok, nevermind then", said michael from the vhs tape. "Push", said the nurse from the vhs tape. "Mom was so rude", said moon.

"Always was, she believed the fake allegations about me", said michael. "I honestly hope I don't see her in person", said moon. Tatum pushed. Baby cries filled the room. "Oh my goodness", said michael from the vhs tape and zoomed in on moon.

"Hello baby, don't cry", said michael from the vhs tape. Moon smiled. "You actually thought I was going to listen?", asked moon. "Yeah, I expected some miracle to happen", replied michael.


Moon looked at the clock on the nightstand. She stood up. "I have to go dad, I have a photoshoot tomorrow", said moon and grabbed her purse. "Okay, love you", said michael. "Love you more", said moon and exited the room. Moon went back inside the room and hugged michael. She pecked his cheek. Michael hugged his daughter back.

"I'll see you tomorrow", said moon and smiled. Moon exited the room and took the stairs. Moon saw michael's personal doctor conrad murray carrying propofol. "What are you doing here?", asked moon and crossed her arms.

She had a bad feeling about this man. "Just came to give your father his medicine so he can sleep", said conrad murray. "That's not going to work, give him milk", said moon. "Listen, I'm the doctor here, and I know what's best for him, stay out of the way", said conrad and walked away.

"Bastard", said moon and exited the house. Moon walked up to her car and unlocked it. She got in and closed the door after her. She turned on the radio. Man in the mirror was on. Moon suddenly remembered when her dad sang it on stage and she was there with him.


"I just wish....to go back to that night and follow conrad murray, I really really really really really regret it so much, I feel like it's my fault", said moon. Latoya held moon's hand and gently rubbed it.

"That was the last time you spent time with michael?", asked the interviewer. "Yes", replied moon.

"I love him and I always will, he's my dad, I watch those vhs tapes and it's about our time together", said moon.

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