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ఌ︎ - 𝐌𝐚𝐲 4, 2005

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ఌ︎ - 𝐌𝐚𝐲 4, 2005

"Your grandmother will be here any second", said michael. Moon nodded. Randy stood behind janet and made weird faces. Latoya laughed. "Get away from me before I smack you", said Janet. A car door slammed. Moon went to the window and watched. "She's here! It's mema and pipa!", exclaimed moon.

Everyone hid and was ready to yell surprise. Katherine opened the door. A bucket full off flour and egg yolks fell on Katherine. Everyone popped out. "Surprise!", exclaimed everybody and then realized. Moon was shocked and put the camera down.

"You motherf-", said katherine and was cut off by another egg yolk. This time it had landed on her face. "Okay, who did this?", asked moon. Everyone pointed at michael. "What?! No!", exclaimed michael. Paris and prince giggled.

"Come on grandma, let's go get you cleaned up, dad that was not cool", said moon and took katherine's hand. "But it wasn't me!", exclaimed michael and laughed. "Yeah, sure", said tito.

"I took a picture", said brandi. Autumn gasped.

After a while, moon and katherine came back. Moon sat on the couch. "Sorry mother, it was me", said michael. "I know", said katherine. Jermaine laughed. "He planned it all", said jackie.

Everyone sat down and had cake.

"Moonlight, do you remember the victory tour back in 84?", asked randy. Marlon stopped chewing and looked at moon. Moon nodded. "What else do you remember?", asked marlon.

Michael started laughing.

"Ohhh, that", said valencia.

Michael helped bigi finish his cake. Paris climbed on michael's lap. "The body roll?", asked moon. Randy put his plate down and covered his mouth. He started laughing. Katherine shook her head.

"That was kind of....funny", said moon.

Brittany and valencia laughed.

"My own daughters laughing at me, I can't believe this", said marlon.

"Do believe it dear", said katherine and shook her head. Moon smiled. Tj came to the living room and sat next to moon. "Why are you so close to me?", asked moon. "Because as I love you", replied tj and smiled. Moon rolled her eyes.

"These two would always fight like brother and sister", said Jermaine. Moon laughed. "I remember I smashed her head against her birthday cake back in 87", said tj.

"I made her that cake", said katherine.

"Did you enjoy your cake mema?", asked moon.

"Of course dear, it was very delicious", replied katherine and smiled.

"I made it", said moon and smiled sweetly.

Katherine hugged moon and pecked her cheek. "Thank you very much dear", said katherine. Moon smiled and hugged her back. "You're welcome mema", said moon.

"Dad has a crush on beyonce", said moon.

Janet, rebbie, and latoya screamed and laughed. "No I do not! I really don't know what she's talking about!", exclaimed michael. Katherine laughed. Randy covered his mouth with his hand and looked at michael. Michael shook his head.

"Yeah you do, you told me", said moon.

Michael covered his face with the couch pillow. "He's blushing!", exclaimed Janet. Moon put her plate on the table and lost it. She couldn't stop laughing. "Daddy was listening to crazy in love and he got mad when jay z's voice came, he said this motherfucker stole my woman", said prince.

Janet and moon screamed laughed at the same time. Moon was rolling on the floor. Janet laughed. "Your own son exposed you!", exclaimed moon and laughed. "Ha ha ha, very funny", said michael.

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