Ch. 6 Prince comics

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"This jerk, are you serious?"
He said and punched Suho hard making him fall down

I lost my temper and immediately went towards Suho to help him

Suho stood up and I heard Seojun scoff again

"Yah, don't get involved if you don't know anything"
He said while fixing his blazer, I was amazed by his statement

"Seriously? Don't jump into conclusions and start fighting if you don't know anything"
I yelled at him

"I don't know anything? Do you want me to announce here what he did?"
He asked looking at Suho

Suho grabbed his blazer again and was about to punch him, but he didn't

"Hit me, go ahead and hit me"
Seojun provoked

Suddenly we heard a voice

"Yah! What do you think you are doing? Back away from each other"
I had never seen the person before, but he looked like the Dean

We were called in the teacher's office and the Dean was lecturing us about the fight. He was yelling at Seojun asking him if he quit his idol training and become a gangster. Then he turned to me

"And you, I've never seen you before and being a girl you get involved in a boy's fight!? Should I call your parents and tell about your behavior? What is your name?"
He asked while pointing a ruler at me

"I'm new sir, My name is Jeong Soobin"
I smirked internally when I mentioned my name

"Jeong Soobin? Oh! I hope you are not hurt anywhere"
He asked while his expression and behavior changed faster that a chameleon's colour

"How can you fight in front of a girl?"
He asked turning to Seojun again

I clenched my fists when he began talking about Seojun's mother, It was Seojun's fault but the Dean can't just bring Seojun's family in school's matter

Thanks to Mr. Han that the Dean stopped. Soon the principal entered too and began lecturing Seojun and asking if Suho was alright

"Suho, you have a maths competition in two days so you should take good care of your condition, You can go back to the classroom"
The principal said

Suho bowed and left, the principal left after him too

I just scoffed and went out of the teacher's office

I came back to the class and saw many students gathering around jugyeong's seat

How foolish of these people to think that they were fighting for a girl

I went to my seat and laid my head on the desk

"But here's the question, why did Mr. H sit next to Ms. I"
I heard Taehoon asking jugyeong

I lost my temper again, without understanding the serious situation, these foolish people are talking nonsense

"Yah! I told it in the cafeteria and I'm repeating again, don't jump into conclusions if you don't know anything"
I said in a calm voice, controlling my anger, but it was enough for the others to understand they had to shut their mouths

"That's enough, if jugyeong says it's not like that, then it isn't. Go back to your classrooms. Get out of here"
Sooah told everyone to leave

"You're going through this because you are pretty, if an average looking girl was sitting here, no one would have started such a rumour"
Sooah told Jugyeong

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