Ch. 13 Midterm or Modeling?

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After about fifteen minutes of drama and lecture in the teacher's office, we were told to write ten apology letters, Yes! This was my first time getting detention.

The others were discussing about yesterday's incident while me and Suho were quietly writing

"I would have beaten them to a pulp"
Seojun said trying to act cool

"keokjeonghajima, nothing bad will happen unless we do something to them"
I said getting up while I kept all the papers on each other

"You have already done writing ten pages?"
Sooah asked with a gasp

"I'm done too, soobinah kaja"
Soojin got up and I nodded

Before leaving, I kept a paper in front of Suho and signaled him to read it

"Are you guys studying hard for exams?"
Mr Han asked us while everyone was complaining about how many chapters were there for the exam and couldn't he reduce them just a bit

"Some of you don't know what you want and some of you know, but you are hesitant. Opportunities come without warning but you must be prepared to take advantage of it. So in order to seize the opportunities-"
Before Mr. Han could complete his statement, Hankyu interrupted him and all of the students began getting out of the classroom.

I looked at them leaving but didn't left with them. And lastly looked at Mr Han with a shrug.

"You must study hard for your midterms, that is all I wanted to say..... that is all"
He said with a smile seeing me listening to him attentively

"We will surely study, seongsaengnim, thank you for your motivating words"
I stood up and said with a bow.

After coming home I got freshen up and kept my phone aside so I can study for the midterms. Even if I knew that my career is set in modeling, I still love studying, especially when it comes to Korean Literature and Language.

After two hours of studying and making notes for the exams, I finally got up to get some drink. Studying can really be exhausting sometimes

After drinking some water and sitting on the couch to relax, my phone rang making me sigh


Yes, it's me. What are
you doing?

Nothing, just about
to prepare dinner

I told you to let Mrs Oh
accompany you, but will
you ever listen?

It's okay eomma,
I will do things myself

Anyways, I just called you
to let you know that you
will start modeling under
JS now, you are here
doesn't mean you will have
to attend school only. I will
let you know about the date,
just be prepared


No buts, I will hang
up now, take care

She hung the call saying this and I was really about to cry. Eotteokhaeyo! midterms or modeling

Next Day ~

I woke up earlier than usual and did a quick revision for the literature exam and then went school. The exam was easy and went really well. After the bell rang, we all came out of our classrooms and began asking each other about their opinion in exam. Suho was nowhere to be seen so I left without him

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