Ch. 16 Secret boyfriend

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Soobin's pov

“It's not expired, it's alcohol”
I said making him spit the drink

“Are you crazy? We are underage”
He said wiping his mouth

“Alcohol can lift up ones mood and don't worry, it has low alcohol content”
I said taking another sip. I looked at Seojun who nodded

“By the way, why were you upset?”
I asked while he looked at the sky and then looked at me

“I envy you so much, you have everything you need in life and me? I've got nothing, even my loved ones  leave me whether it's family, friend or my first love”
He said making me chuckle

“What's so funny?”
He asked taking a sip and making an annoyed face

“It's true, grass is always greener on the other side. Actually, I should be the one to envy you, you have such a caring mother and a cute little sister to support you and to stay by your side, I've got no one”
I said with a bitter smile

“You know what-”
He said with hesitation while I was waiting for him to speak further, but he didn't spoke anything and leaned in kissing me

I was beyond shocked at first but I don't know under what trance I was that I found myself kissing him back. That's when realization stuck me

This is not right
Was the first thought that came to my mind and I pulled back. I stood up holding my head and looked at Seojun who was looking back at me with shimmering eyes

“Mianhae Han Seojun, this is not right, this is not right”
I said holding my head again and running out of there

Jugyeong's pov

Sooah and Soojin were asleep while I was waiting for Soobin to return. She was claustrophobic and I thought that she must have went for a walk but it was so late already and she hadn't returned yet. I immediately texted Suho and told him about it

“Wae? Isn't Soobin back yet?”
Suho asked coming towards me and I nodded being panicked, we saw Soobin holding her head and hurriedly walking towards us

“Jeong Soobin! Where were you until now”
Suho asked her in concern

“I just went for a walk and-”
Before she could speak further, we saw Han Seojun running towards us calling Soobin's name

“What did you do to her!?”
Suho asked Seojun furiously grabbing his collar

“Nothing happened Suho, leave him, I'll explain everything tomorrow”
Soobin said separateing them

We both came back to our tent and Soobin said nothing, she just took a medicine and slept so I didn't asked her anything and slept too

Next Day ~

Soobin's pov

The trip was over and we were back to our normal routine, I came to school alone ignoring everyone, how am I even suppose to face Seojun after yesterday's incident

“Aren't you still gonna tell me what happened that night”
Suho asked walking beside me

“Stop talking about it will you? And yes, what's with your smiley face today, did something good happen?”
I asked standing in front of me while I also noticed the strawberry juice in his hand

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