Ch. 20 Secrets and Surprise

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I reached the ice cream parlor and saw Seojun standing outside

"Let's go, I'll be having butterscotch flavor"
He said smiling like a little kid

I followed him inside and we both ordered butterscotch and chocolate flavored ice creams

"By the way, have you ever fell in love"
He asked out of the blue almost making me choke on the ice cream

"Why do guys always ask me about my love life, do I look like I am good at these things"
I asked coughing

"I'm not the first one to ask?"
He asked while I gave him a wtf face

"Listen, you should know the difference between liking and loving first. If you find someone good at something or like them because of their looks or personality, it's just a crush that will last for a few months but if you like someone so much that you can even bet your life on them, then that's called love which will last even after ones death"
I explained

"How do you know?"
He asked with a hint of naughtiness in his eyes but I maintained my emotionless face

"I know because I understood the value of love and the person I loved only when he is gone"
I said while my eyes become teary

"Yah what gone huh? He is still with us, here"
He said keeping his hand on the left side of his chest

After our little conversation while enjoying our ice creams, we went to meet Gowoon who works at the comic book store. After meeting Gowoon we were going back but stopped as we saw Lee Sungyong's girlfriend along with some other girls

"Yah Park Semi, what are you doing here?"
He asked whilst they turn back and looked at us

"We wanted to meet Lim Jugyeong"
She said flipping her hairs dramatically. Seojun was going to ask her another question but I stopped him

"Someone's coming"
I said hearing the sound of footsteps and Seojun dragged the girls to the corner to avoid attention

"Why did you wanted to meet Lim Jugyeong at this hour?"
I asked to which she answered that they wanted to catch up as they haven't met in a while

"It turns out that I know her"
She said taking her phone out and showing us picture of a girl in Yongpa High's uniform

"She's Lim Jugyeong, shocked right. I know, she fooled me too"
She said and revealed about Jugyeong's past. Seojun took her phone and smashed it into pieces throwing it on the ground when she called her ugly. He was really angry but I held his hand signalling him to calm down

"Looks like you guys have no work other than meddling in someone else's life, come to my home to clean the dishes, at least you will get paid for it"
I said stomping my foot on her already broken phone making sure that no one can repair it

I came school the next day and saw Jugyeong's photos everywhere

Mwo? She became the school's face?
I thought as her photos where in the corridor as well

I went inside the classroom to congratulate her but saw that she stormed out of the class with tears in her. I went out of the classroom to see her and saw that she ignored Suho as well

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