Ch. 8 The karaoke bar

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“How can I breakup with someone this cute?"
Taehoon said to Sooah

Ah my eyes! Why am I witnessing cute yet cringe lovey dovey couples, since yesterday

I thought laying my head on the desk, while listening to jugyeong and Sooah talking about yesterday's blind date

"I take it back that I miss you. Actually I have a girlfriend. I'm a piece of garbage, I wanted to cheat with you. I apologize.
What a punk, were you rejected?"

I immediately lifted my head up in shock when I heard what Sooah said

Which guy admits that he is cheating and apologizes by himself

I looked at Suho with widen eyes, to which he smirked

So he is the one.....

"You were rejected? Who gets rejected that quickly"
Seojun laughed

Biting my lips, I tried my best not to crack up

I was strolling in the campus watching my phone, but suddenly stopped in front of a trio

"What are you doing?"
Seojun asked while holding jugyeong's hand

"I could ask you the same thing"
Suho replied holding jugyeong's other hand

Ah! I told him hundred times not to start a fight with Seojun, especially in front of her

But fortunately jugyeong stopped them and went, Suho went too while Seojun was looking at me with an eyebrow raised, I turned the other way to leave but stopped when he called me

"Jeong Soobin, are you ignoring me?"
He asked coming towards me

"Ani, I'm not ignoring you, you are the one who has no time to talk with me, keuchi?"
I asked while my eyes were still concentrated on the phone's screen

He snatched the phone from my hand and kept in his pocket

"Yah! Give it back"
I said trying to get it

"Not until you agree"
He said taking steps backwards while I was trying to get my phone

"Agree on what?"
I stopped and asked

"Meet me at the karaoke bar"
He whispered in my ears and winked

"Why would I?"
I asked pointing my index finger at him

"Because you want your phone back"
He said running with it

"Yah! Yah Han Seojun!"

Ah! Why is he like this!

"Hey Soobinah, would you like to join our study session?"
Soojin asked while Sooah, Taehoon and Jugyeong stood beside her with excited face

"Study session? I would love to -"
Before I could agree to them, I got cutted off by a someone

"She would love to, but she's got plans"
Seojun said standing beside me

I looked at him with a questioning face

"I do?"

"Of course you do"
He said smiling with an innocent face while showing me my phone

Ah I forgot it was with him

"Oh yeah, I do have plans today, I'm sorry. Well, see you tomorrow, I have a bus to catch"
I said and excused myself

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