Ch. 18 Rumor for a rumor

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"Store them in a freezer and heat them with a steamer and don't fight you both, Soobin, I give the responsibility to you"
Miss Hong said giving us dumplings and warned Suho and Seojun

After Jugyeong and Miss Hong went inside, Suho and Seojun looked at each other annoyedly while I let out laugh that I was holding until now

"Saranghae, Saranghae"
I said remembering how they said this to each other back at Jugyeong's house while they looked around doing flying kicks in the air and ran

"Yah Lee Suho! Wait for me"
I said running behind him too

"Are you still gonna wait?"
I asked when Suho went inside the comic store once again

"I'll wait for some time, you can go"
He said and I bid him

Seojun's pov

I had just entered the campus and someone came on a bike and pulled a stunt by stopping the bike in front of me making me take a step back

"What the-"
I was about to say but stopped as I saw it was Soobin, she chuckled removing her helmet and fixed her hair

"Wae? scared?"
She asked getting off her bike

"Of course one should be scared when you have such a girl around you who pull stunts everywhere"
I said walking beside her as we made our way to the classroom

Everyone shouted when me and Soobin entered the classroom, Chorong and the others where having Jugyeong and my couple shoot's photos printed on their t shirts

"Yah Han Seojun, why didn't you tell us, we were still having a doubt since the trip though"
Chorong said in a teasing way and everyone in the classroom started oohing

"Yah! Keumanhae!"
Soobin said in a loud voice and everyone in the classroom stopped and looked at her with a scared expression

"Jugyeong is not dating anyone and about my boyfriend that I mentioned that day, it's Seojun. So don't dare to make any other rumor about him anymore, araso?"
She said while I looked at her with widen eyes

Soobin's pov

"Yah, why did you brought me here?"
I asked Seojun while he told me to lower my voice

"Why would you do that"
He asked with a serious expression

"Yah Han Seojun, this is a tactic, when a controversy begins, bring it down with another bigger controversy, same is with the rumors"
I told him while he still looked at me with a wtf face

"I know that you are aware of Jugyeong and Suho being in a relationship, Suho will definitely get mad at her looking at the pictures, so this was the best way to solve everything"
I explained him

"keokjeonghajima, no one will make any rumors about you anymore. You should be happy instead that you have to pretend being boyfriend of such a beautiful girl"
I said tapping his shoulder assuring him and then chuckling at my own statement

I came home after school and changed into comfortable clothes

I can't believe I have to pretend being someone's girlfriend from now on, this year was definitely the craziest
I thought plopping myself on the bed, but got up when I heard my phone ringing

Nae Eomma

Is it true what I'm hearing,
did you really break the
contract with the fitting

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