A mistake.

490 39 242

Hyunjin stopped tying Minho and Minho's wounds significantly started getting better. Minho did everything Hyunjin wanted, from cooking for him to spreading his legs for him.

"What are you making?"


Hyunjin hummed as he wrapped his arms around Minho waist, he was inhaling Minho's scent in as he buried his nose in Minho's neck. "You always smell so sweet, makes me wanna 𝘦𝘢𝘵 you up". Hyunjin rasped out before he bit on Minho's neck.

Minho pushed him away, at least he tried to, but Hyunjin didn't budge, still leaving open-mouthed kisses on Minho's neck. "Let me cook in peace".

"No, don't want to". Hyunjin turned Minho's face slightly to mouth on his jaw.

Minho closed his eyes, as Hyunjin sucked marks on his neck. "Don't you wanna eat something first".

"But I am eating and I doubt there's anything better than you. I just love the way you taste". Hyunjin groaned as he rubbed his front on Minho's back.

"Just stop".

Hyunjin chuckled as he released Minho. "Okay fine, I'm gonna go take a shower, to you know calm myself down. Wanna join?" Hyunjin smirked.

"No, I'm cooking right now. Enjoy yourself though". Hyunjin pouted as he left.

Minho was alone right now and Hyunjin knew that. But he still left, Minho could 𝘳𝘶𝘯𝘢𝘸𝘢𝘺 right now and Hyunjin wouldn't even notice.

Minho sighed as he turned the stove off, this was gonna be the 𝘭𝘢𝘴𝘵 meal made by Minho that Hyunjin would ever eat. He looked around, and all the memories came back to him, the good ones and the bad ones.

Hyunjin used to be sweet and gentle and Minho realized in that moment that what he did was infact wrong and maybe Minho deserved to be punished by Hyunjin.

He shook his head, as he walked towards the gate, he opened all the locks and pulled the door. His eyes widened as the door didn't open, what was this sick joke, was God playing with him. He pulled the door again, growing more frustrated by the passing moments.

It was as if Hyunjin 𝘬𝘯𝘦𝘸 Minho was going to escape. Minho locked the door again as he turned around.

Maybe Minho deserved to be punished. He continued to stir the pasta, until Hyunjin came, with his dark wet hair and his coy smile. He was too good looking to be 𝘦𝘷𝘪𝘭, but he was and only Minho was aware of that.

"I hope I didn't make you wait for too long, princess". He kissed Minho, albeit it was fleeting.

Minho shook his head. "The pasta is ready".

"Good, cause I'm starving". Hyunjin smiled as he sat down, Minho following suit.

"You didn't try anything funny when I was gone did you?" Hyunjin smiled coyly as he raised a brow teasingly.

Minho coughed as he shook his head. "No of course not, what made you think that".

Hyunjin smirked as he lowered his hand to squeeze Minho's thighs. "I trust you, I know you won't runaway from me".

Minho smiled as he started eating. It didn't take long before they finished it all. Minho took the dishes to wash them. Hyunjin stood up to help him, as Minho rolled on the gloves. Minho scrubbed the dishes and rinsed them, as Hyunjin helped him dry them.

"We're done here". Minho sighed as he took off the bright red gloves. As soon as Minho was finished, Hyunjin grabbed onto his wrist, that was still a slight shade of red. Minho gasped as he was turned around and pushed into the wall.

"Hyun– what?" Minho winced as Hyunjin pushed him harder into the wall.

"Do you take me for a fool? Do you honestly think you can just runaway like that from me? Did you honestly think that I trust you? I know you too 𝘸𝘦𝘭𝘭, for that".

Minho closed his eyes as he couldn't breathe. "I'm s– sorry". Hyunjin scoffed. "Yeah right, you and I, we both know you're not apologetic in the slightest".

Minho whimpered as Hyunjin wrapped his hand around Minho's neck, he squeezed it slightly. Minho's eyes filled with tears as Hyunjin squeezed harder.

"Min, why? Why did you do that? I didn't want to hurt you". Minho shook his head. "Please don't I'm sorry".

Hyunjin loosened his grip as he turned Minho around, so that Hyunjin and Minho were now face to face. Hyunjin took Minho's chin in between his thumb and finger, tilting his head up slightly, so that Minho was forced to meet Hyunjin's eyes.

Hyunjin leaned in to lick Minho's tears. "I love it when you cry, princess". Hyunjin placed a light kiss on Minho's lips, before he grabbed onto his wrist and dragged him back into his basement.

"Seems like you love it here". Hyunjin let out a low chuckle, as he opened the door and threw Minho on the bed. Hyunjin picked up the rope from the corner. "The rope missed you".

Hyunjin smirked sinisterly as he walked towards the bed. Minho backed away towards the headboard of the bed. He sobbed as he shook his head. "Please don't, not the rope please".

"Uh-uh stop talking". Hyunjin got on the bed, he tied Minho's wrists to the headboard and then his ankles.

Hyunjin pressed his thumb against Minho's lower lip, slowly sliding it into Minho's mouth. "Open your mouth". Hyunjin leaned down to roughly kiss Minho, all tongue and teeth.

"I thought that finally I had you, completely, I thought that maybe you actually had fallen in love with me again. Guess I was wrong". Hyunjin chuckled as he got off of the bed. "God! I was so fucking wrong".

Hyunjin left and then came back with something in his hands. Minho's eyes widened as he realized what it was.

"Please no! Please!". Minho pleaded as the dark haired man approached him, his eyes filled with faux sympathy and underlying cruel intentions.

"A kitten is bound to get punished when he does something wrong, right?" Hyunjin smirked as he got on the bed with a whip in his right hand.

Hyunjin turned Minho around, so that his back was facing Hyunjin now. He traced his fingers on Minho's spine, who was shaking from fear.

"Delicious, extremely delicious".

Hyunjin lifted his hand up, the one with the whip and brought it down on Minho's lower back, making Minho wince in pain.

"Count". Hyunjin announced before he striked again. Minho closed his eyes as he did what was asked of him, his mouth leaving sinful, loud moans.

"... Five".

Hyunjin was enjoying every bit, from Minho's broken voice to his arched back to his teary eyes.

"... Seven".

Minho hated himself for wanting more, it was supposed to be a punishment but Minho wanted more. He wanted to hurt more, he wanted Hyunjin to hit him, whip him until he bled. It was stupid, how much Minho enjoyed it. It seemed more like a reward to him.

"... Ten".

Hyunjin threw the whip away, he was panting heavily as he looked down at Minho, he was all sweaty, he looked like a freaking Greek God.

Minho didn't know whether he was glad or disappointed that Hyunjin stopped. One thing he was sure of, was that he was as 𝘵𝘸𝘪𝘴𝘵𝘦𝘥 and 𝘥𝘦𝘳𝘢𝘯𝘨𝘦𝘥 as Hyunjin.

Author's note: I'm late ik, i was just too busy with things. Anyways I hope everyone's well!

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