A well executed plan.

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Minho was starting to 𝘭𝘰𝘢𝘵𝘩𝘦 himself. Why was he always unsuccessful in running away? Was he that dumb... or was it that it was Hyunjin who was too smart?

Either way Minho was done, he wanted out, no matter what, he was gonna runaway. He could not keep on living like this, but for him to successfully runaway, he needed a well executed plan.

He couldn't just runaway easily, when he was dealing with someone as smart as Hyunjin. Someone who knew him too well, someone who could literally 𝘬𝘪𝘭𝘭 him and nobody would ever doubt him.

Minho was fooling Hyunjin, letting him think he was a chess piece in his game. Minho was aware that he was playing a very dangerous game, but it was better than living like this. 𝘛𝘳𝘢𝘱𝘱𝘦𝘥 by Hyunjin.

It was a normal day, except Minho decided to make breakfast for the both of them, breakfast had always been Hyunjin's thing from the start, Minho could barely think straight in the morning, let alone cook breakfast.

But everything had to go by the 𝘱𝘭𝘢𝘯.

"Morning!" Minho sounded almost a little too cheerful, too high-pitched, even to his own ears. He was trying a bit too hard and that was gonna make him fail, but that was not allowed, he was not allowed to fail, not this time.

"Morning..." Hyunjin was sleepy and maybe that's why he did not pay much attention to Minho's tone. But his brows did raise up, once his eyes fell on the table. "You– you made breakfast today?"

Minho nodded, with a slight smile. "Yes".

"What's the occasion?"

Minho was taken aback and slightly offended. He cooked a lot, just not in the mornings, why was Hyunjin so surprised, he wanted to scoff. "Just wanted to make something for myself and then I decided I should make something for you". Fuck it, he was done being nice, that asshole didn't deserve it.

Hyunjin blinked as he sat down, he brought the plate closer to inspect it. "Did you poison it?"

That was it, Minho was done. "Why the fuck would I wait so long then, huh? If I had wanted to kill you, I would have killed you a while ago". Minho released a breath he didn't know he was holding.

Hyunjin smirked. "There you are... I thought you lost your mind and became a tame version of yourself. You see..." Hyunjin got up and leaned in closer into Minho's space, his breath tickling Minho's neck. "... 𝘐 𝘭𝘪𝘬𝘦 𝘬𝘪𝘵𝘵𝘦𝘯𝘴 𝘸𝘩𝘰 𝘢𝘳𝘦 𝘢 𝘭𝘪𝘵𝘵𝘭𝘦 𝘧𝘦𝘪𝘴𝘵𝘺".

Minho pushed Hyunjin and walked away.

"It's okay you can be tame in bed, baby". Minho could hear Hyunjin say that as he walked away. God... Hyunjin was getting on his nerves. The guy never changes.

It was afternoon now, Minho was confused about how he was gonna get out of the house, probably in the night, when Hyunjin would be sleeping.

Everything was just too confusing. When did it all become like this? Complicated and tough... He was caught in Hyunjin's trap with no escape., but he was ready to tear apart the walls of Hyunjin's house at this point, he wanted out.

The clock was ticking, he had already wasted too many days procrastinating. His every attempt was so unfruitful that it made him lose hope. Day after day... wasted. He couldn't let more days go to waste. He had to do something now, anything.

Minho was so busy thinking to himself that he didn't even notice that Hyunjin was talking to him. He was pulled back to reality as Hyunjin waved his hand Infront him, he looked pissed. God, let the earth swallow him please.

"You usually need two people to have a conversation. Do I really have to 𝘧𝘶𝘤𝘬 every word out of you?”

"No I wa– was just thinking... what were you sayin–" Hyunjin placed his index finger atop Minho's lips, preventing him to complete his sentence. "Ssh no more talking with our mouths... let's talk with our 𝘣𝘰𝘥𝘪𝘦𝘴".

Of course, that man only ever thought about sex, the only time he wouldn't was like maybe at a funeral? He wouldn't be surprised but only disappointed if someone dying turns him on. He was wired like that, 𝘵𝘸𝘪𝘴𝘵𝘦𝘥.

Hyunjin was now completely on top of Minho, he had pinned his wrists above his head.

"Hey I'm sorry, I'll listen to you. God! Get off of me!" Minho tried to move Hyunjin, as he kept sucking marks on his neck. He moved his head up to look at Minho. He was eyeing him, as if he was his prey, as if he wanted to eat him alive.

"Good". He got off of Minho.

"I have started painting again". Minho's eyes widened. Hyunjin had given on painting, it had been more than six months, infact he had started hating it so much that he stopped visiting his art studio.

"That's... that's good news. I'm happy for you". Despite all that Hyunjin had done to him, Minho was genuinely happy for him.

"Really? Then give me a kiss". Minho wanted to roll his eyes, but he sighed as he leaned in closer to Hyunjin, pressing his lips onto Hyunjin's.

Hyunjin's grabbed Minho's neck and kissed him again, roughly, all tongue and teeth. Minho just sighed, letting Hyunjin devour him.

They had just finished having dinner and Minho was washing the dishes.

"You're so perfect, princess".

"Thanks I know". He honestly didn't think he was perfect, he didn't even know what Hyunjin saw in him. He knew that he was pretty but he didn't think he was pretty enough to make someone go crazy enough to lock him in his house. But here he was, life is indeed unpredictable.

"Yeah, I'm glad you know". As soon as Minho was done, he went back to his room. Hyunjin had stopped tying him, he only tied him occasionally when he needed to be 'punished'. It had been only a few days since Minho had started sleeping back in his old room.

"Good night, love". Hyunjin whispered as he placed a fleeting kiss on Minho's forehead.

"Good night". With that Minho left, in his room.

The next morning Hyunjin woke up earlier than Minho. He watered his plants, that had already started to look a lot more alive than before.

He smiled as he crouched down next to his pot of peace lilies. "I'm glad you're getting better".

He decided to make breakfast first and then he could go and wake Minho up. He made pancakes, even decided to cut up some fruits on the side too, to make it look more appetizing.

He took off his apron and made his way to Minho's room, he had a slight smile on as he was walking.

He opened the door and his smile turned into a frown, when he found that room empty. He got inside the room and checked everywhere.

"Did he go to take a shower?" Hyunjin's steps were hurried, he was practically running.

He opened the door and it was empty. He screamed, he just couldn't believe it.

Hyunjin was going crazy, there was no way Minho escaped, he had searched every nook and corner of his house and he couldn't find Minho... 𝘏𝘦 𝘸𝘢𝘴 𝘨𝘰𝘯𝘦.

Author's note: Oof! He has finally escaped or.... Has he...?

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