A trip down the memory lane.

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"Eat something". Hyunjin said as he pushed a bowl of cereal Infront of Minho.

Minho scoffed before he threw the bowl down on the floor, the ceramic bowl broke into several pieces, it's contents scattered all over on the floor.

Hyunjin got up from his seat, his eyes filled with 𝘳𝘢𝘨𝘦, anger and frustration. "What the fuck is wrong with you?"

Minho leaned back in the chair and raised a brow. "That's 𝘳𝘪𝘤𝘩 coming from you".

Hyunjin sighed as he pinched on the bridge of his nose. "I'm not in the mood, clean it up".

Minho just shook his head, getting bolder. "I'm not in the mood as well, 𝘺𝘰𝘶 clean it up".

Hyunjin's lips ticked as he exhaled sharply. "I will not repeat myself".

"Fuck you". Minho spat as he bent down, grabbed the broken pieces with his both hands and 𝘤𝘭𝘰𝘴𝘦𝘥 his fists, he looked up at Hyunjin with teary eyes filled with 𝘳𝘢𝘨𝘦. 

"Fuck". Hyunjin bended down as he grabbed Minho's wrists tightly causing the pieces to fall out from the shorter's grasp, his eyes widened as he saw 𝘣𝘭𝘰𝘰𝘥, blood gushing out from his pale hands.

"Why... why Min?"

Minho closed his eyes, as he finally felt the pain, the burning, uncomfortable pain from the cuts on both of his hands, it was dumb, beyond dumb, but he still did it, he was fed up, or maybe he just liked pain.

Hyunjin got a first-aid kit from his room, before he was back, sitting Infront of Minho, it was all too 𝘧𝘢𝘮𝘪𝘭𝘪𝘢𝘳.

It reminded Minho of that one time, when he accidentally cut himself when he was cooking and Hyunjin rushed to him, leaving his work, just to be by his side.

"Does it hurt a lot, baby?" Minho nodded as he pouted. Hyunjin exhaled as he finished putting on the band-aid on the cut. "I'll kiss it better". He muttered as he placed a feather light kiss on top of the band-aid.


"Huh?" Minho blinked as he looked down at his hands covered in band-aids.

"Does it hurt a lot?" Minho exhaled sharply.

"No". Yes, it was hurting a lot, but did he still have the privilege to complain and pout, he did not, everything had changed, their relationship and 𝘏𝘺𝘶𝘯𝘫𝘪𝘯. Minho knew it was his fault, if not all of it then 𝘮𝘰𝘴𝘵 of it.

"Oh... Are you sure?" Minho nodded, as he blinked several times. "Yeah, I wanna sleep, I'm tired".

Minho felt a wave of nausea hit him, as multiple flashbacks replayed in his mind, flashbacks of when everything was fine, or was it? Cause according to Hyunjin, he was just acting, acting to be a better and gentle version of himself, when in reality he had always been 𝘵𝘸𝘪𝘴𝘵𝘦𝘥.

Minho closed his eyes, trying his best to sleep, but he just couldn't, not when his mind kept replaying his past.

"Do you think I'm weird?"

Hyunjin looked up from his book, as he looked at Minho. "No, of course not. Did anyone say something to you?"

Hyunjin sat up, as he pulled Minho in his lap. Minho immediately melted in his arms. "No, they didn't have to, i felt it, everyone thinks I'm weird".

"Stop assuming things, baby. Nobody thinks you're weird, you're perfect". He said as he placed a fleeting kiss on Minho's nose.

Minho ruined things, it was him, he messed it all up.

"Min the breakfast is ready".

Minho was quiet, he didn't know what to say. He ate in silence, occasionally looking up to glance at Hyunjin, who had already been staring, classic Hwang Hyunjin.

"You're quiet today".

Minho stayed silent.

Hyunjin reached his hand out and took Minho's chin between his thumb and index finger. "Are you okay, princess".

"Yes". No, he honestly didn't know, whether he was okay or not.

"You sure?"

Minho nodded and Hyunjin retracted his hand back.

"Jeongin asked me about your whereabouts". Minho's eyes widened at the mention of his best friend.

"What did you say?"

Hyunjin smirked before he chuckled lowly. "I said you're out of the city, on a break, on a little healing trip, too tired of everything".

Minho scoffed, just when he thinks Hyunjin isn't that bad, he does something weird again. "Ah right, a healing trip... what a joke".

"It is a trip though, a trip down the memory lane".

How did Hyunjin know that he had been thinking about their past?

"Wh– what?" He stuttered out.

"Nothing... I just know you too well".

And he did, that man knew everything about Minho.

"I need to go out, I'll be back in an hour or two".

Of course and Minho will be alone, like everyday.

"Okay".  And then he left.

Minho made his way to the couch and turned on the TV. He didn't have anything better to do, it was better than before, at least he wasn't tied up, he could walk freely.

Minho smiled slightly at a funny scene in the movie that he randomly decided to watch, what was happening to him?

Was he okay? He didn't know the answer to that. He was just living.

And just like that, the movie ended, was it a short one or was it Minho, who was too distracted to focus on the movie.

It was sick, the game that Hyunjin was playing, he was trying his best to be outside, so that Minho could be alone at home. He hated being alone.

He was playing with Minho and Minho was at his mercy. He was caught in his trap, like a mouse and no matter how hard he'd try, he can't get out until.... Hyunjin lets him go.

"I'm back". Hyunjin announced as he entered.

Minho glared at him, as he made his way towards the couch. "Are you mad at me?"

"No". Minho turned his head away, when Hyunjin sat down next to him.

"Why aren't you looking at me then?"

"Cause I hate you".



"Say it to my face then". Hyunjin turned Minho's face towards himself.

Minho gulped as he looked away. "What difference will it make?"

Hyunjin smiled. "Are you hesitating?"


"Then, say it, say that you hate me".

Minho looked into Hyunjin's eyes. "I... hate you".

Author's note: The Hyunhoverse is so dry nowadays, I might die.

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