Chapter 10

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She knew as soon as she knew what she had done to herself, that she needed a way to hide it. She pulled on a black hoodie that covered her arms and made sure to wipe the tears away before exiting her room to go downstairs. She went down the hallway past everyone that was in the living room and headed to the bathroom where the first-aid kit was. As she started to wash the blood away from the fresh cuts, Mia immediately regretted the decision of leaving the door open as soon as Molly came into view and immediately saw what was going on.

"M-Mia..." Molly stuttered at a loss for words. She couldn't think of a single thing to say.

"It's nothing," Mia immediately told her. "I was just working on sets and accidentally-"

"Mia," Molly cut her off. At this point, Molly was fighting back tears. "Don't try to fool me."

"You can't tell anyone," Mia told her. "Especially Mom and Dad."


"Please," Mia begged almost about to let out a fresh batch of tears herself. "Just don't."

"Promise me you won't do it again," Molly said.

Mia just nodded slightly before putting some band-aids on and leaving the bathroom when Molly tugged on her upper arm forcing her to stay. "Can I just ask one thing?"

Mia nodded hesitantly.

"Why do you feel this way?" Molly asked.
There was a lot of details to answer that question but Mia didn't feel like wasting time so she just kept it short and simple so the conversation wouldn't drag out, "Just some kids at school make it hard sometimes."

"Who?" Molly immediately questioned getting furious as seconds past. "I want names."

"Kat Robinson," Mia answered.

That's all Molly needed. She was outraged that someone would make Mia feel this way. She was furious that someone would make anyone feel this way let alone her sister. She was definitely going to do something about it. There was no way she wasn't. She would do anything for her siblings and she was going to prove that.

The next day when Molly, Mia, and Jason all arrived at school together, Molly wasted no time. She was going to find Kat, and she was going to rip her a new one. Molly felt like an animal trying to hunt her down. She felt wild as if she was let loose from her cage. She was angry and she was going to make sure that she put it out on no one else but Kat.

It only took Molly a minute to find Kat before she stormed up to her immediately getting all up in her face, "How dare you talk to my sister the way you did."

Kat just let out a laugh, "What are you gonna do about it, little miss cheerleader?"

"You say another word about my sister or to my sister, and I will literally make your life a living hell," Molly said as her eyes got real big.

"I'd tell Mia to stop acting like a whore around my boyfriend before I do that," Kat giggled.

It was clear that Molly had had enough of Kat's games though. She didn't even know Kat that well but she had never been angrier with another person in her entire life and she had to let her anger off somehow. At first it was a shoving contest between the two but then decided to get serious as soon as one of them started throwing punches. By then, all of the students were gathered around like it was a boxing ring.

Jason and Mia shoved their way to the front to see what was going on. Jason's first instinct was to get Molly out of that and he did so by grabbing her, picking her up, and taking her far away from where Kat was. Mia couldn't bare to even watch knowing what that was exactly about. She shoved past everyone and headed to class early, not wanting to think about what went down.

Molly was almost immediately tracked down by administration where she was escorted to the principal's office. Never in her life had she ever been there. Honestly, she didn't care though. She did what she had to do. She had to stand up for her siblings. There wasn't any doubt in her mind about that. She didn't care about her already bruising black eye that she had gotten or busted lip that was bleeding.

The administrators called both of the girls' parents and Molly immediately became a bit nervous. Her parents were going to kill her. She didn't know what to tell them, whether she should tell the truth or not. She knew the truth would kill them. She knew that they may not be able to handle it. It was obvious that she couldn't.

Both Kat and Molly didn't get into full detail about what the fight was about it. That was going to be the best for the both of them. In the Fisher family though, there was no hiding. They always talked things out and Molly knew she had now until they got home to figure out what she was going to tell her parents. The truth? Or the lies? One or the other could cost her sister's life. And she couldn't do that.

"Molly Ray Fisher, what the hell were you thinking?!" Carrie started to yell as they walked into the house. "You are seventeen years old! You should know better by now! What has gotten into you?!"

"Care, calm down," Mike told his wife. "Molly, this isn't like you so I know that there is something behind this. Why did you do it?"

At that point in time, Molly had a decision to make. Lying wouldn't fix the situation. Lying would only make things worse. Lying could make what Mia has done seem okay. Lying could make Mia do worse things. But telling the truth could hurt her parents. Telling the truth would rip them apart inside as much as it did to herself.

Molly was about to crack under the pressure. This was eating at her insides and tearing everything inside her apart. She couldn't keep this secret anymore, but she didn't know how to tell them. By that point, Molly's eyes were welling with tears that were about to fall as soon as the words spilled out of her mouth.

"Mia is being bullied at school, and it's to the point where I don't think she wants to live anymore."

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