Chapter 13

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They say to live with no regrets. But let's be real. Everyone has that one moment in their life that they want to erase it all and if they could do it over, they would. If they could have decided something else, things would be totally different.

People are human. They make mistake after mistake, trying to learn after the first time. It's nearly impossible to live a life without thinking of one thing they regret doing or not doing. The thought of it makes people want to crawl in a hole and hide in a pit of darkness sometimes. All Molly wanted to do was take back everything. She wanted to erase the pain.

What ached her more was what her boyfriend told her as soon as she told him.

"What do you mean you think you are?" he questioned his eyes bugging out as soon as those words escaped her mouth. "You either are or you aren't."

"Ashton, I don't know," she spoke softly starting to tear up. "I haven't taken a test yet but I'm late, like a month and a half late, and just the way I've been feeling recently-"

"Shit," Ashton cursed banging his fist against his car. "Look, I can't deal with this in my life."

"You're the one that wanted to have sex," she started to cry.

"You're the one that said you were ready for it," he hissed. "You're the one that screwed up, Molly. This whole situation, it's not my problem. We're done. I'm getting the hell out of here."

He couldn't get into his car fast enough. He sped away leaving her stranded in the high school parking lot in the state of a bawling mess. Her mascara was running and there wasn't anything she could do about it. She had much bigger problems in her hands.

"Molly!" she could hear her older brother Jason call her name. He came running up to her. "Molly, what's wrong? What's going on?"

"I messed up," she sobbed, burying her face into her hands. Her hands were slowly removed though as she felt her brother's muscular toned arms wrap around her fragile body. "I messed up. I messed up so much."

"Let's talk about this at home, okay," Jason suggested.

"No, I can't go home like this," Molly refused.

"Molly, just tell me what happened," he begged.

"Promise not to tell Mom and Dad yet," she said. When she received a nod, she continued on. "Ashton and I had sex, and I think I may be pregnant."

"No," Jason replied, refusing to believe what she was saying. He couldn't imagine any one of his younger sisters go through such a thing. "No Molly, please tell me you're lying."

"Jason," she cried, so much vulnerability in her eyes. "I don't know what to do."

All Jason could do was hold her in that moment. He was furious not so much at his sister, but more at Ashton. He knew the guy was trash in the first place. He didn't like him from the beginning. He knew that this wasn't something that Molly came up with doing. It was something that she just went along with because he made her. That's what hurt the older brother the most.

"He said that he would love me more if I gave myself up for him," Molly continued to cry. "He left me."

Jason didn't know quite what to say. He didn't want to hurt her feelings. He never thought in a million years that this would happen to one of his sisters. All he could really think about was tracking down Ashton, and beating the shit out of him. He didn't how his parents would react. He knew his parents weren't expecting this at all.

"Molly, I know you don't want to do this right now, but I think it's best if you tell Mom," he told her still holding her fragile body in his arms.

"No, she won't ever treat me the same," she looked up at him.

"But she's going to know what to do," Jason explained. "There's no denying that Mom and Dad are going to be upset at first, but they can help you. We all can. Just trust me."

"Are you sure?" she asked.

"I'll be with you every step of the way."

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